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词汇 during the trial
例句 She received praise for her effective representation of Garcia during the trial.她因为在庭审时代表加西亚作了有力的辩护而受到赞扬。Nearly all news organizations have refused to broadcast the victim's name during the trial.庭审期间,几乎所有的新闻机构都拒绝报道受害人的姓名。We encountered one small problem during the trial run.我们在试运行中,遇到了一个小问题。He was held in contempt for his outbursts during the trial.他因在审判过程中情绪失控而被判藐视法庭罪。A crowd had assembled in front of the courthouse during the trial.审判期间,法院门前聚集了一群人。He had no legal representation during the trial.他在审判期间没有法定代理人。She stoutly defended her husband during the trial.她在审判中为自己的丈夫进行了坚决的辩护。He acted as his own lawyer during the trial.审判时他给自己当律师。The lawyer acted for him during the trial.在庭审期间由律师代表他行事。The jury were sequestered during the trial.审判期间,陪审团被隔离开来。All the media attention during the trial had put the family under intolerable strain.审讯期间,这么多媒体的关注使这家人不堪压力。The company won the lawsuit, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because of all the bad publicity they received during the trial.因为在审判期间有太多负面报道,公司虽然赢了官司,却得不偿失。She stayed in command of herself during the trial.审判期间,她一直控制着自己的情绪。She made a false confession during the trial which she later retracted.在审讯中她作了虚假供述,后来又翻供否认。He was under enormous strain during the trial.在审讯期间他处于极度紧张之中。She remained stolid during the trial.她在整个审判过程中始终保持平静。




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