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词汇 dump
例句 The fire probably started in a rubbish dump.火可能是从垃圾场开始烧起来的。It's a shame that such a beautiful area has been defiled by a rubbish dump.这么美的地方竟然被一堆垃圾给糟蹋了,真是太可惜了。You'll be fined if you dump here.在这儿倒垃圾要被罚款的。The ammunition dump was hit by a shell.军火库被炮弹击中了。I rescued this table from a rubbish dump.这张桌子我是从垃圾场里捡来的。People dump rubbish in the lanes, and the council is slow to clean it up.人们把垃圾胡乱倒在小巷里,政务委员会慢吞吞地来清理。The worst of it is that I had another sackload of disillusion to dump on someone before the day was over.最糟糕的是,我还有满腔的幻灭感,想在那天结束前找个人倾诉。I do not care a dump whether they know it or not.他们知道也好,不知道也好,我根本无所谓。I thought he was going to dump me for another girl.我以为他要为了另一个女孩而和我分手。He was a nice guy, Mona. He didn't dump on me.他是个好人,莫娜。他没有对我不好。The government declared that it did not dump radioactive waste at sea.政府宣称并未将放射性废料倾倒在海里。Local residents have organized a protest against the planned dump site.当地居民就垃圾场选址组织了抗议活动。There hasn't been a fresh dump of snow for a couple of days.已经好多天没有下雪了。When the landfill is full, the city will have to find someplace else to dump the garbage.垃圾填埋地满了,那座城市得找其他地方倾倒垃圾。I'm going to clean out the basement and take everything I don't want to the dump.我要清理一下地下室,把不要的东西都扔进垃圾堆。People just dump their refuse in the street.人们干脆把垃圾倒在街上。I saw fumes rising from the rubbish dump.我看见垃圾堆冒出烟雾。A dump truck was parked on the construction site.建筑工地上停著一辆倾卸车。We made a rough calculation of the size of the dump.我们大概地计算了一下废物堆的大小。Firefighters continue to dump buckets of water on the flames.消防队员继续将一桶桶水倒在火焰上。He was planning to dump her and strike out for New York alone.他正打算甩了她,然后一个人前往纽约。A few players accepted bribes to dump games.有几名队员接受贿赂故意输掉比赛。They dump tons of salt on icy road surfaces to make driving safer.他们把成吨的盐洒到结冰的路面上使行车较安全。If he's so awful, why don't you just dump him?如果他这么糟糕,你为什么不把他给甩了?Sheets of tin lay rusting on a dump.一张张锡板在垃圾堆上生锈。Life in such a dump is unbearable.在这种脏地方过日子真受不了。Engineers have identified serious design flaws in the proposed nuclear waste dump.工程师们已确认拟建的核废物处理站存在严重的设计缺陷。Ministers believed it was vital to dump the poll tax before the election.大臣们认为在大选前停止征收人头税至关重要。We all dump our troubles on Mike.我们都把苦恼向迈克倾诉。They dump their surplus production on foreign countries.他们向外国倾销剩余产品。I suggested that we dump the two companies.我建议我们放弃这两家公司。The walled garden was used as a dump.带围墙的花园被用作了垃圾场。I suggested that we not only dump the two companies, but that we also should ditch any other business not involved in soft drinks.我提议我们不仅要和那两个公司断绝关系,还要抛弃其他任何不涉及软饮料的业务。With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump.由于市区明令禁止焚烧垃圾,园丁们必须把垃圾运至垃圾场。People who want to get rid of old cars sometimes dump them in the woods.想扔掉旧汽车的人有时会把旧车丢弃在树林里。The area was used as a dump.这一区域被用做垃圾场。Companies dump their products, sell them below realistic market prices, in order to grab a bigger market share.这些公司以低于实际市场的价格倾销商品,以夺得更大的市场份额。My heart sank because I thought he was going to dump me for another girl.我的心情一下子很沮丧,以为他要为了另一个女孩和我分手。Let children know you are also human and experience difficulties, but don't dump on them!让孩子们了解你也是凡人,也会遇到困难,但是不要将你的问题转嫁到他们身上。We worked in a dump of an office.我们在又脏又乱的办公室里工作。




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