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As a youngster he made his living by peddling drugs.年轻时,他靠贩毒为生。The star blamed her vanishing act over the past few years on drugs.这位明星把她过去几年的失踪归咎于吸毒。Diane suffers from a rare heart condition which means she has to take drugs all the time.黛安娜患有一种罕见的心脏病,因此她必须一直服药。It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex, and overdoses.那是常见的摇滚歌星堕落的故事——吸毒、纵欲、过量服用麻醉品。The soldiers supplement their incomes with payoffs from drugs exporters.士兵们通过毒品走私犯的贿赂来充实自己的腰包。The drugs had been hidden in a suitcase with a false bottom.毒品被藏在一个行李箱里,那行李箱有一层假底。We don't tell people directly not to use drugs because that doesn't work.我们并不直接告诉人们不要吸食毒品,因为这样做毫无效果。To cut down on competition, the government passed price controls on prescription drugs.为减少竞争,政府通过了处方药价格控制方案。Lewis was found guilty of trafficking in drugs and sentenced to ten years in prison.刘易斯被判贩卖毒品罪名成立,获刑十年。When young people experiment with drugs, they're dicing with death.年轻人尝试吸毒就等于在玩命。She turned to drugs after the break-up of her marriage.婚姻破裂后她开始吸毒。Police dogs have a very keen sense of smell and can scent even the slightest traces of drugs.警犬的嗅觉非常灵敏,即使是一点点毒品的气味也能嗅出来。It would be wrong to assume that rich countries will always be able to insulate themselves with drugs against the ravages of new diseases.要是以为富国总能为自己备好药物以抵御新发疾病的侵害,那就错了。A lot of young people take drugs. Personally, I can't see the attraction.许多年轻人都吸毒。从我个人角度来说,我看不出这有什么吸引力。These drugs are widely prescribed to control high blood pressure.这些药物被广泛地用在控制高血压的处方里。Taking those drugs will lead to malformation of the baby's limbs.服用那些药会导致婴儿四肢畸形。Do not have a drink or take drugs to calm yourself down.不要用喝酒或吸毒的方式让自己镇静下来。New antimalarial drugs have been discovered.新的抗疟疾药物已被发现。Crack is part of a battery of drugs used by addicts.强效可卡因是瘾君子们吸食的众多毒品之一。Somewhere along the line he got mixed up in drugs.不知道何时他染上了毒品。I don't know why he tested positive for drugs. The only explanation I can think of is that the samples got mixed up.我不知道他的药检为什么呈阳性,我能想到的唯一解释就是样本搞错了。These kids have grown up in a drugs and gun culture.这些孩子在充斥着毒品和枪支的文化环境中长大。No more will these companies be able to copy drugs developed elsewhere.这些公司再也不能仿制别人研制的药物了。The anti-drugs campaign is paying off.抵制毒品的运动正在奏效。Someone planted the drugs on her before she left the country.有人在她出国之前把毒品栽赃给她。These drugs modulate the disease process.这些药物能控制病情的发展。She ruled out the legalization of drugs.她排除了毒品合法化的可能性。The government is noted for its uncompromising drugs policy.这个政府以其打击毒品的坚定政策而闻名。We want to make it possible for African companies to produce cheaper generic drugs.我们要设法使非洲公司可以生产较为便宜的非专利药品。Cancer drugs often have unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and loss of hair.抗癌药物通常有不良的副作用,如恶心、掉头发。The dog was trained to detect illegal drugs.这条狗受过搜查毒品的训练。This area is infamous for drugs and prostitution.这个地区因毒品和卖淫而臭名昭著。I've never knowingly taken illegal drugs.我从来没有过明知是违禁药物还服用的情况。Tests of anti-cancer drugs are to go ahead this year.抗癌药试验将在今年进行。The drugs only provided temporary relief from the pain.药物只是短时间内缓解了疼痛。Are you taking any other drugs at present?你现在有没有服用别的药?All these drugs are highly lethal.所有这些药都是高致命性的。The weightlifter was banned from the Olympics for failing a drugs test.这名举重运动员因为药检不合格而被禁止参加奥运会比赛。He neither drinks nor takes drugs.他既不喝酒又不吸毒。Traces of illegal drugs were found in his bloodstream.在他的血液里发现了微量的毒品。 |