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词汇 青年
例句 The police don't understand the now generation and the now generation doesn't dig the fuzz.警察不了解当今一代青年,当今一代青年也不了解警察。Like many young actors, I had high hopes when I first started out.如许多青年演员一样,我刚开始的时候也抱有很高期望。The young man from the countryside adapted well to life in the big city.这个农村青年很能适应大城市的生活。Teachers often view youth workers as undisciplined and ineffectual.老师们常常认为青年工作者纪律性差且能力低下。His painterly talents were evident in his youth.青年时就已显露出绘画天赋。The Job Corps is a vocational training program for low-income youths.职业培训团是一项为低收入青年提供职业培训的计划。So many young men have been struck down in their youth in this terrible war.在这场可怕的战争中有这么多青年风华正茂时死去了。They have been waiting for this youth with their tongues hanging out.他们一直在焦急地等待着这个青年He is a nice young man.他是一个很好的青年A young Moroccan stopped by police refused to show his papers.一位被警察拦下的摩洛哥青年拒绝出示他的证件。She's a highly educated young woman.她是个受过高等教育的青年女性。They are role models for thousands of young Latins.他们是千万拉丁青年的榜样。Our youth never failed an invincible courage.我们的青年从不缺少大无畏的精神。England intend fielding their strongest team in next month's World Youth Championship.英格兰意欲在下月的世界青年锦标赛中推出他们的最强阵容。The youth had a fascination with fire.那个青年迷上了火。These youths have solid alibis for the time death took place.这些青年握有命案发生时不在现场的确凿证据。The youths quit themselves like men.那些青年表现得像男子汉。The group visited various youth and community projects in the city.这个小组参观了市内的各种青年及社区项目。She regaled us with tales of her wild youth.她讲述她青年时的荒唐事,逗我们开心。The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male.最需要这种指导的社会群体是青年男性。The young scientist felt bound down by a lot of useless and confusing rules.这位青年科学家感到有许多无用而又引起思想混乱的法则束缚他的手脚。We stood at the bar being jostled by some thick-necked lager louts.我们站在酒吧台前被一些粗脖子的发酒疯的青年推搡着。Local youths ran riot after the attack.攻击事件发生后,当地青年开始闹事。The two youths, shaken but unhurt, declined to talk about the incident.那两名青年受了惊吓但是没有受伤,他们拒绝谈论这一事件。Stardom is the ultimate ambition of most young singers and actors.大多数青年歌手和青年演员最终追求的是登上明星宝座。My greatest achievement was winning first place in the Young Artist competition.我最大的成就是在青年艺术家比赛中获得第一。The novel follows the progression of a woman from youth to middle age.这部小说以一个女人从青年到中年的经历为主线。Tall and handsome, this young actor is Hollywood's ideal of manhood.这个青年男演员高大英俊,是好莱坞理想的男子汉形象。I'm a member of the Green Party's youth wing.我是绿党的青年派成员。While walking along a side street, Dick was mugged by two youths.狄克在小街上行走时,遭到来自背后的两个青年的袭击。Hundreds of junior civil servants have to be put up in hotel rooms and temporary hostels.数百名初级文职官员只能被安排到旅馆和临时青年招待所过夜。It's the usual sort of film about boy meets girl.那是一部普普通通的男女青年恋爱的影片。A group of youths had set fire to an old truck.一群青年放火烧了一辆旧卡车。The youth zoomed to college on an athletic scholarship.青年获得了运动员奖学金,一下子进了大学。The young man was dried out in the clinic.青年在诊疗站接受戒毒治疗。The two young men desired to get back again in good season.那两个青年希望能及早再回来。He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.他能激起青年学生的狂热。Young people of today are not degenerating.今天的青年并没有在变坏。A few foul-mouthed louts in the crowd were shouting racist abuse.人群里一些口出恶言的青年在满带种族歧视地叫骂着。Young musicians will get the chance to show off their musical skills.青年音乐家将有机会展露他们的音乐才华。




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