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词汇 driving
例句 Rap is the music of choice for male chavs, who like to listen to the misogynistic lyrics while driving a customised car.说唱乐是适合那些衣着俗气的青年的音乐,他们喜欢开着定制的汽车听那些贬低女性的歌词。I thought that it would take only a day of hard driving to reach Chengdu. But I had reckoned without the landslides.我原以为只要辛苦点儿,驾车一天就可以到达成都。但是我没有考虑到山体滑坡。Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame.局部浓雾和驾驶员不负责任是罪魁祸首。Icy winds and driving snow blasted through the pine trees.凛冽的寒风夹着鹅毛大雪横扫松林。You're driving too fast.你开得太快了。After eight solid hours of driving, I was exhausted.我开了整整八小时的车,疲劳不堪。A lot of people fail their driving test the first time.许多人首次驾驶执照考试都通不过。She has a clean driving record.她没有违章驾驶的记录。Travelling by plane is much safer than driving your own car.与自己驾车相比,乘飞机旅行要安全得多。This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving.这场悲剧残酷地提醒着人们酒后驾车的危险。He was up before the magistrates' court charged with dangerous driving.他被控犯有危险驾驶罪而在地方治安法庭受审。I was driving along when, bam, I hit a pothole.我正驾车前行,突然嘭的一声,开过一个坑洼。It took me a two-week intensive course to pass my driving test.我参加了两周的强化培训班才通过了驾驶考试。I knew I had a full day's driving ahead of me.我知道我要开整整一天的车。He was driving so fast that his car tyre exploded.他车开得太快导致爆胎。Harry's been driving all day - he must be tired.哈里开了一天车,他一定累了。Accidents are the inevitable result of driving too fast.事故是开车开得太快所造成的必然后果。The kids were driving the teacher crazy.这些孩子快把老师气得发疯了。She was arrested for drunk driving.她因为酒驾被捕。You did me a good turn by driving Max home last night.你昨晚开车送马克斯回家,真是帮了我大忙了。I heard a hoot and saw Martin driving by.我听见一声喇叭声,然后看见马丁开车驶过。His mood lifted as he concentrated on his driving.他集中精力驾车时,心情又好了起来。Richard's finally put in for his driving test.理查德终于申请了驾照考试。Turn down that blinking music! It's driving me crazy!把那该死的音乐关小声点!我快要疯掉了!They went on a driving tour of New England.他们开车到新英格兰旅行。That noise is driving me insane/crazy.那噪声快要把我逼疯了。He was brought up before a magistrate, charged with dangerous driving.他因为危险驾驶遭起诉,受到治安法官的传讯。I was driving along in third gear.我当时正以三挡行驶。My husband hates driving in London.我丈夫讨厌在伦敦市内开车。We were driving down the interstate.我们正驱车顺州际公路而行。You're dicing with death driving at that speed on icy roads.路上结了冰你还开这么快,你是在玩儿命啊。I always feel tense after driving all day.开了一整天的车以后,我总是感到很紧张。Bad driving is not just the preserve of boy racers.不良驾驶不仅仅是飙车小子们才会做的事。It's no joke driving on icy roads.在冰雪路面上开车不是件轻松的事。I can't fault her driving, except that it's rather fast.除了车速较快之外,我对她的驾车水平无可挑剔。Mary's the last person you'd expect to be stopped for drunk driving你怎么也想不到玛丽会因为酒后驾车而被警察拦住。After a whole hour of driving, we fetched up back where we started.开了整整一小时车后,我们竟然又回到了出发的地方。The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad conditions.事故是因恶劣环境下驾驶速度过快造成的。She slowed the car and began driving up a narrow road.她放慢车速,开始驶上一条狭窄的道路。He was jittery all day before his driving test.他在考驾照之前整天都紧张兮兮的。




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