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词汇 driveway
例句 She heard the crunch of tires on the gravel driveway.她听到车轮在碎石车道上碾过时发出的嘎吱嘎吱的声音。Please can you move your car? It's blocking my driveway.请把你的车移一下好吗?它挡着我的车道了。Would it be safer to park my car in the driveway?我的车停到私家车道上会不会安全一些?A little way further down the lane we passed the driveway to a house.顺着巷子再走过去一点,我们经过车道来到一幢房子前。He pulled into the driveway in front of her garage.他把车停在了她家车库前的车道上。An attempt was being made to maintain the grounds, but weeds were starting to grow in the driveway.庭园正在做养护工作,但是车道上也开始长杂草了。He used a shovel to clear the snow off/from the driveway. = He used a shovel to clear the driveway of snow.他用铁锹清除私家车道上的积雪。When I was a kid, about six or seven, she would often let me steer the car along our driveway.在我小时候,大概六七岁时,她经常让我在自家的车道上开车。Our driveway is a long, steep hill.我们的私家车道是一个又长又陡的斜坡。A sudden glare of headlights lit the driveway.突然一辆汽车的大灯照亮了车道。They have a circular driveway. 他们的私人车道是弧形的。He swept the dirt off the driveway.他扫去私家车道上的尘土。The driveway is paved with concrete.私人车道用混凝土铺成。She stared at the lifeless form on the driveway.她盯着车道上单调的影子。She swung the car into the driveway.她猛地将车开上了私家车道。She settled herself behind the wheel and pulled the car out of the driveway.她舒舒服服地坐到驾驶位上,把车开出了私家车道。We hired someone to plow the snow from our driveway.我们雇了个人铲私家车道上的雪。The driveway was obstructed by piles of stones and gravel.车道上有一堆堆的碎石瓦砾挡了路。The house is approached along a lime-tree lined driveway.到这座房子要经过一条两侧长满椴树的车道。They dumped the gravel in the driveway.他们把砾石倾卸在车道上。He tends the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway.他打理着他栽在车道两旁的花坛和常青树。The long curving driveway circled around the vast clipped lawn.长长的弧形车道围绕着大片修剪过的草坪。Could you just back onto the driveway?你能把车倒到车道上吗?The driveway was covered with concrete/brick paving.私人车道铺上了混凝土/砖块。I saw him drive out the driveway.我看到他从车道开出去。The truck dumped its load of sand on the driveway.卡车将沙子卸在车道上。Two rows of trees arched over the driveway.车道两旁的树木在上方形成一个拱顶。When it snows I have to shovel the driveway.下雪时,我得去把车道上的雪铲干净。I had to shovel for an hour to clear the driveway.我不得不花一个小时才把私家车道上的积雪清理干净。We shoveled the driveway after the snowstorm.暴风雪过后我们用铲把私人车道的积雪清理干净。Beyond the driveway squatted a bungalow.车道那边有一间平房。Two healthy-looking suntanned kids were playing in the driveway.两个看上去很健康、皮肤晒得黑黑的孩子正在车道上玩耍。The truck dumped two loads of gravel on the driveway.卡车把两卡车砾石倾倒在车道口。As I approached the house a car reversed out of the driveway and sped off down the road.当我走近房子时,一辆车从车道里倒了出来,沿着马路急驰而去。I heard the slam of a car door in the driveway.我听到私家车道上传来车门砰的一声关上的声音。The car drove through the gate and up the long driveway.汽车穿过大门,开上了长长的私人道。In one driveway a chauffeur wearing rubber boots was hosing down a limousine.其中一条私人车道上,一位穿着橡胶靴的专职司机正用水管冲洗一辆豪华轿车。He walked up the driveway to the house.他沿着车道走向房子。I have shoveled the driveway so many times this winter that I think I can now do it blindfolded .今年冬天我给车道铲雪铲了好多次,我想我蒙着眼睛都能做这件事了。He drove down the long, steeply angled driveway.他驱车从又长又陡的车道驶下。




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