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词汇 教训
例句 The lessons learned from that experience can be usefully applied to the current situation.从那段经历中得到的教训可以有助于应对目前的状况。There are lessons in these stories that all children can profit by.所有的孩子都可以从这些故事中汲取教训He wanted to teach her a lesson for showing him up in front of Leo.他想教训她一顿,因为她在利奥面前揭自己的短。The lesson from all of this is perhaps a broader one.从所有这一切中得出的教训可能具有更广泛的意义。He would send some men to find Steven and sort him out.他会派一些人去找到史蒂文并教训他一番。I am going in there and knock some heads if they don't start behaving.如果他们不规矩的话,我就要过去教训教训他们。He was in trouble with his teachers.老师们都想好好教训他。As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一线光明,我们已从所作的决定中汲取了教训Sue learned from bitter experience not to rely on Martin in times of crisis.惨痛的教训告诉休,危难时候不要依靠马丁。Never lend money to your friends - that's something I learnt the hard way.千万不要借钱给朋友—这是我得到的教训The accident taught him an important lesson.事故给了他很大的教训After the guests left, the boy got a sermon on table manners from his father.客人们走后,孩子受到父亲关于进餐礼仪的一顿教训He thinks he's won but I'll fix him!他认为自己已经赢了,但我要教训教训他!We mustn't forget the lessons that history has taught us.我们决不能忘记历史的教训Experience furnishes very instructive lessons.经验能提供十分有意义的教训We all learn from experience.我们都从经历中汲取教训He is raring to charge into the fray and lay down the law.他急切地想管管这场闹剧,教训他们一顿。The company failed to learn any lessons from this experience.公司未能从这次经历中吸取任何教训She'd been stupid, but she'd learned her lesson.她做过蠢事,但是她吸取了教训I am going to go in there and bang their heads together if they don't start behaving.如果他们还不守规矩的话,我就要去那儿教训他们一下Lessons of the past are bequeathed to future generations.历史上的教训会流传给后人。It is dangerous to ignore the lessons of the past.忽视过去的教训是危险的。I am convinced that he has learned from his mistakes.我深信他已从错误中吸取了教训It was a salutary lesson to see the whole team so easily defeated.看到整个球队如此轻易被打败是个有益的教训Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason.基本上他们得到的第一个教训就是如何将情感和理智分开。I hope a night in the cells has taught you a lesson.我希望在牢房里关一晚上会给你一个教训He kept pushing his parents until they had no choice but to punish him.他不停地逼自己的父母,后来他们别无选择,只好教训了他一顿。It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.所有的一切都是在一怒之下干的,我无疑已经从自己的错误中吸取了教训I'll give him a good scolding and bring him over to beg pardon.我要狠狠教训他一顿,并要他过来求饶。I can't give you a row for scarpering off when I did the same thing.我自己也溜走了,没资格教训你。He has learned a hard lesson.他已得到了惨痛的教训What lesson can we take away from this?我们从中可以吸取什么样的教训Parsons must knock these lessons into the team before Saturday.帕森斯必须在星期六之前对球队灌输这些教训I am going to go in there and knock their heads together if they don't start behaving.如果他们不规矩的话,我就要过去教训教训他们。In Ireland, if you're too big for your boots, you'll be cut down to size.在爱尔兰,如果你太自以为是,会有人来教训你的。They have misread the lessons of the past.他们错误理解了过去的教训Has he been bothering you again - do you want me to sort him out?他是不是又在烦你了——是否需要我教训教训他?Just wait until he gets home. I'll give him what for!等他一到家,我就教训他一顿。What lessons can we draw from this unfortunate experience?我们能从这次不幸的经历中得到什么教训Having my car stolen really taught me a lesson - I'll never leave it unlocked again.我的车被盗的确给了我一个教训——我再也不会不锁车了。




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