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词汇 drip
例句 Put a drip pan under the crankcase.在曲轴箱下放一个承油盘。Leave curtains to drip-dry overnight.让窗帘在夜里滴干。He was taken off his drip last night.昨天晚上给他停止了输液。It is perfect for drip-drying clothes over the bath.可以滴干的衣服晾在浴缸上再好不过。He is on a saline drip.他正在输盐水。Let this shirt drip-dry.让这件衬衫滴干。The silence was broken only by a regular drip, drip, drip.唯有嘀嗒嘀嗒的滴水声打破这宁静。The constant drip, drip, drip of the water off the roof lulled him to sleep.水滴不断从屋顶上落下,那滴嗒滴嗒声催他入睡。She continues to be fed through an intravenous drip.她一直以静脉滴注的方式进食。It's drip-dry.它是免熨的。Sit your child forward and let the blood drip into a tissue or on to the floor.让你的孩子前倾坐着,让血滴在纸巾上或地板上。She was so dehydrated she needed a drip.她严重脱水,需要输液。Another option would be to drip-feed your mortgage with small extra payments on a regular basis.另一种选择是用小笔的额外款项定期偿还抵押贷款。He's such a drip.他真是个呆子。I spent two days in hospital on a drip.我在医院打了两天点滴。The Egyptians used the steady drip of water to measure the passage of time.埃及人通过固定间隔的水滴测算时间。The serum is introduced via intravenous drip.血清通过静脉点滴输入。The patient was put on a drip after her operation.那个病人动过手术后就打点滴。The only sound was the drip of melting snow.只能听到积雪融化的滴水声。I had a bad attack of pneumonia and spent two days in hospital on a drip.我得了严重的肺炎,在医院输了两天液。He is best known for helping to bring down the government with a drip-feed of sex scandal stories.他因为用一个个的性丑闻慢慢把政府搞垮而闻名。Her husband is such a drip.她丈夫真是无聊透顶。At the hospital they put me on a drip.在医院,他们给我输液。I washed the shirt and hung it on the line to drip-dry.我洗了衬衫,把它挂在绳子上晾干。David was hooked up to a saline drip.大卫在打生理盐水的点滴。Water fell from the ceiling in a steady/slow drip.水从天花板不停地/慢慢地滴下来。The doctor put the patient on a morphine drip to manage the pain.医生给病人静脉滴注吗啡镇痛。A sudden chill of horror swept over her as she felt the drip of saliva upon her hands.当她感觉到滴到她双手上的唾液时,恐怖的寒栗突然遍布了她全身。Investors who want to buy individual shares can also drip-feed their investment.想要购买个股的投资者也可以分期注入资金。If I were you, I'd hang that sweater on the line and let it drip-dry.我要是你的话,就把毛衣挂在绳子上让它自然晾干。I drip-dried the shirt.我把衬衫滴干了。The mats should be hand-washed gently and left to drip-dry.这种垫子应该用手轻洗后滴干。We heard the drip of the rain.我们听到雨水的滴答声。I had to be put on a drip.我不得不打点滴。A drip of water ran down her arm.滴下的水顺着她的手臂往下流。She was trying to rip the intravenous drip out of her arm.她正试图把静脉滴注器从手臂上拔下来。I could put in a drip irrigation system in the rose beds.我可以在玫瑰花圃里装一套滴灌系统。They drip in fat, and they do nothing.他们富得淌油,而且什么都不干。All I could hear was the drip, drip of water.我所听到的只有滴答的滴水声。Don't invite that drip to your party!别邀请那个乏味无聊的家伙参加你的派对!




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