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词汇 drinkers
例句 Most of his friends are drinkers.他的大部分朋友都好酒贪杯。Most drinkers do not abuse alcohol at all.大多数饮酒者并不酗酒。Paul and Jane were both heavy drinkers and spent most of their time in the local bar.保罗和简两个人都是酒鬼,他们把大部分时间都耗在当地的酒吧里。Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn foetus.酗酒的孕妇可能会给体内的胎儿造成伤害。After the clubs closed, the drinkers spilled out into the streets.俱乐部打烊后,酒客们涌到大街上。She claimed advertisers were targeting underage drinkers.她声称广告商以未成年饮酒者为目标。Sherry drinkers far outnumber whisky drinkers.喝雪利酒的人数远远超过喝威士忌的人。British beer drinkers pay far more excise duty than drinkers in Spain, Italy and Luxembourg.在英国喝啤酒的人要比在西班牙、意大利和卢森堡多付一大笔消费税。The proportion of drinkers who abuse alcohol is actually quite small.在常喝酒的人之中,酗酒者所占的比例实际上很小。This liver condition is common in heavy drinkers.这种肝病常见于酗酒者。They are known to be tolerant of underage drinkers.大家都知道他们纵容未成年人饮酒。So far none of the reformed drinkers has backslid.迄今为止这些改过自新的酒徒之中没有一个重染恶习的。Heavy drinkers are generally more susceptible to infectious diseases.喝酒多的人一般更容易感染传染性疾病。Smokers and drinkers risk heart disease.抽烟者和酗酒者罹患心脏病的危险较大。




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