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Netscape faces a long-drawn-out battle with software giant Microsoft.网景公司面临着一场持久的战争,对手是软件巨头微软公司。The two sides have been engaged in long-drawn-out discussions.双方投入到长时间的讨论中。We're trying to avoid a drawn-out process.我们在尽量避免拖长进程。We should be prepared for a long drawn-out war.我们应该为长期战争做好准备。Pulling out of a recession is a lengthy and drawn-out process.从经济衰退中走出来需要漫长的过程。The long-drawn-out campaigns that precede every election in the US have already begun.美国每次大选前漫长的竞选活动已经开始了。This war is too one-sided to be very long-drawn-out.这次战争一面倒,不会持续很久。The official enquiry was a long-drawn-out process.官方的调查过程拖得很长。The movie's drawn-out finale goes over the top in its attempt to keep the audience in suspense.为了抓住观众的悬念,这部影片那拖长了的结尾有点过火了。The war between these two countries has been long-drawn-out and episodic.这两个国家之间时断时续的战争持续了好多年。The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.和平之路将会极其漫长。 |