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词汇 drawings
例句 Her drawings displayed astonishing powers of observation.她的绘画显示了她惊人的观察力。He agreed to pay me for the drawings.他答应向我支付这些画的钱。Someone made four drawings from this account last week.上周有人从这个帐号里提了四次款。He was perambulating the room and inspecting the drawings.他在房间内四处巡视,检察画作。The bridge looked quite different from the architect's original drawings.这座桥看起来与建筑师的原图大相径庭。Lawyers are cataloguing the hundreds of drawings he left behind.律师们正在分类整理他留下来的数百幅画作。The rock drawings depict a variety of stylized mythological figures and patterns.这些岩画刻画了大批非写实的神话形象和图案。He asked me to criticize his drawings.他请我评论他的画作。These drawings are among his most naturalistic.这几幅画是最能体现他自然主义手法的作品。They print black-and-white drawings on to the shirt.他们在衬衫上印上了黑白图画。Degas did a series of drawings of dancers at the ballet school in Paris.德加画了一系列巴黎的芭蕾舞学校舞蹈者的素描。They asked me to work up some sample drawings and bring them down.他们请我画一些样图带过去。Leonardo da Vinci's drawings show an immensely inventive and inquiring mind.莱奥纳多·达·芬奇的画显示出他极富创造性与探索精神的心智。I looked at the pen and ink drawings.我注视着那幅钢笔画。His etchings and drawings never went out of fashion.他的蚀刻画和素描从不过时。His drawings are peerless, concise and full of surprises.他的画无与伦比,简洁且处处出人意料。You can scan the children's drawings in and use them to make cards and gifts.你可以把孩子的画扫描进电脑,用来制作卡片或礼物。These drawings are the visual equivalents of stage whispers.这些图画等同于舞台上的可视旁白。The book is handsomely illustrated with ink drawings.这本书配有精美的墨水画插图。She's a slow and methodical worker, and her drawings reflect the extra care she takes.她做事缓慢而有条理,她的草图就反映出她格外用心。Experts disagree over the age of the drawings.专家对这些画作的年代意见不统一。His drawings have come into public notice.他的画已引起公众的注意。These drawings must not be exposed to the air.这些画一定不能暴露在空气中。The instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.教员利用游戏和图画把主题讲清楚。Trampoline and tumbling can be traced to archaeological drawings in ancient China,Egypt and Persia.有关蹦床和翻筋斗的描绘,可以上溯至古代中国、埃及和波斯的壁刻画。A whole batch of original drawings will be on sale.一整批绘画真迹都将出售。His drawings are remarkable for their accuracy.他的画以精细著称。The drawings convey both immediacy and a sense of violence.这些画既表现了紧迫性也表现了暴力感。The new software generates both two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional images.这个新软件既可以制作出二维图画,也可以制作出三维图像。They use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.他们用游戏和图画来阐明他们的主题。She showed me a selection of her drawings.她给我看了她的画作选。His drawings were done in a few bold lines.他的画以几笔粗线挥就。On the website you can see a set of drawings previewing her next exhibition.在网站上你可以看到一组预告她下次展览的绘画作品。The classroom was bright and cheerful, with childrens’ drawings on the walls.教室明亮宜人,墙上是孩子们的画作。Children can get frustrated when they are unable to achieve realism in their drawings.如果孩子们画得不像,他们就会变得灰心丧气。The artist showed us a portfolio of her drawings.艺术家给我们展示了她的绘画代表作品。By late afternoon, she had done 10 drawings.到傍晚的时候,她已经作好了十幅画。Beautiful line drawings accompany the text.文字内容旁配有好看的素描插图。Larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them.较大的图画往往需要两三张胶片才能拍下来。The book is amply illustrated with colour drawings.本书配有大量的彩图。




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