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When a play finishes its run, many of the costumes are hired out to amateur dramatics companies and schools.一部戏剧连演结束后,很多服装都会租借给业余剧团和学校。Your dramatics aren't going to change my mind.你装腔作势的表演改变不了我的主意。Rex had no time for her dramatics, and left the room.雷克斯没功夫去理睬她的装腔作势,离开了房间。Her hobbies include amateur dramatics and horse riding.她的爱好有业余戏剧表演和骑马。Music, dramatics, singing and even mock parliaments featured regularly in the syllabus.音乐、戏剧、唱歌乃至模拟议会都是教学大纲里常见的内容。Angela says she longs to join an amateur dramatics class.安杰拉说她渴望参加业余戏剧班。She is studying/learning dramatics in school.她在学校里学习戏剧表演。 |