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词汇 downward
例句 The downward drift in copper prices looks like it will continue.铜价下跌的趋势看来还要持续下去。The ground sloped downward.这块地往下倾斜。She gave the bell-rope a swift downward tug.她把铃索迅速往下一拉。Everyone in the company, from the president downward, has been involved in these decisions. 公司里上至总裁下至员工,每个人都参与了这些决策。The arrow pointed downward.箭头指向下方。The rise reversed the downward trend in the country's jobless rate.这次上升扭转了全国失业率的下行趋势。The downward trend in home ownership is likely to continue.拥有房屋所有权者人数减少的趋势可能会持续。From then on, our fortunes took a downward turn.从那以后,我们的际遇每况愈下。The economy was on a downward spiral.经济状况持续恶化。The mountain streams flow downward to the lake.山上的溪流向下流,汇入湖中。The stock market is spiraling downward.股市正急剧恶化。Her life was in a downward spiral as she battled depression and addiction.在与忧郁症和毒瘾抗争的过程中,她的生活每况愈下。The American dollar seems certain to continue its downward plunge.看来,美元肯定会继续贬值。The stock market took a sharp downward turn today.股市今天急剧下跌。Be sure that the water nozzle is directed downward.一定要让水管的喷嘴朝下。The steering wheel can tilt downward.方向盘可以向下倾斜。Her life went downward after her husband died.自丈夫死后她的生活每况愈下。He managed to pull himself free with a sudden downward movement of his hands.他双手猛地往下一按,终于设法使自己挣脱了出来。The downward trend went into reverse and the scores started to creep up again.比分下降的趋势发生逆转,分数又开始逐渐上升了。The bomber knifed downward.轰炸机向下划过。Sales forecasts will have to be revised downwards / downward.销量预测将不得不调低。As the river flows downward, it widens.越向下游河面越宽。He lay on the floor face downward.他脸朝下躺在地板上。The estate was handed downward from generation to generation.这份产业代代相传。We have to avoid the downward spiral in which unemployment leads to homelessness and then to crime.我们必须避免失业导致无家可归,进而导致犯罪的恶性循环。The downward pressure on my chest became more intense.我胸口上向下的压力更重了。We received an estimate, but the number has since been revised downward.我们收到一个估算数据,但后来这个数字被改得越来越小。The hawk flew downward.那只鹰朝地面飞去。The type graded downward into the lower invertebrates.这物种逐渐退化为低等无脊椎动物。Heating costs rise as the temperature heads downward. 由于气温下降,取暖费用上升了。He was gazing downward into the pit.他往下朝洞内张望。Sales continued their downward trend.销售额继续呈下降趋势。Stand with your arms at your sides and your hands pointing downward.站立时手臂放在身体两侧,双手下垂。Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand curve.每家公司都将面临需求曲线的下滑。He looked downward to avoid my eyes.他低著头看,以避开我的目光。The economy continued its downward spiral.经济继续其螺旋式下降的走势。The company is in a downward spiral.这家公司在日渐走下坡路。His drug use drove him into a downward spiral. 吸毒导致他的健康每况愈下。The ground tilted sharply downwards / downward.地面急剧下倾。Mud covered his pants from the knees downward.他的裤子膝盖以下的地方满是泥巴。




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