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词汇 down to earth
例句 She soon brought him back down to earth.她很快使他从幻想中清醒过来。You had better come down to earth for an hour and cook us some dinner.你最好待一会儿再胡思乱想,还是先抽一个小时给我们做些饭菜吧。He had a talent for bringing airy abstractions down to earth.他天生善于把不切实际的空想变成现实。Their ideas seem to be far more down to earth and sensible.他们的想法貌似更务实也更合理。They were down to earth, they had their feet on the ground.他们实事求是,脚踏实地。After the euphoria of yesterday's celebrations, the country will come down to earth today.昨天兴高采烈的庆祝之后,今天这个国家将回到现实。I was shocked, brought down to earth by this revelation.真相的披露让我深感震惊,我被带回了现实。Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.要不是重力使箭落向地面,它们将永远以直线往前飞行。Gloria is probably the most down to earth person I've ever met.格洛丽亚也许是我见过的最脚踏实地的人了。Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria.公司老总们在经历选举后的狂喜之后已经清醒过来。I was brought back down to earth with a bump by this revelation.真相的披露让我一下子清醒了过来。The realization of how little work I'd done for the exams brought me abruptly back down to earth.意识到要考试了,可我还没怎么复习呢,我一下子被拉回到了现实中来。




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