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词汇 down the street
例句 The pavements up and down the street were blackened with the fires.街上的路面全都给大火熏黑了。I was walking down the street when I heard this explosion.我正在大街上走着就听到这次爆炸。The girl flipped merrily down the street.女孩欢快地一蹦一跳沿街走去。His house is down the street a little further.这条街往里走一点就是他家。I could hear the drumbeat of a parade down the street.我能听见街上游行队伍的鼓声。He was bopping down the street.他在街上摇摇晃晃地走着。The children came pelting down the street.孩子们沿街飞快地赶来。The black car rolled smoothly down the street.黑色轿车平稳地沿街行驶。He lives further down the street.他住在街的那一头。Police cars screamed down the street.警车呼啸地开过街道。They danced wildly down the street.他们沿街疯狂地跳舞。He plucked the baby out of my arms and ran off down the street.他从我怀中抢过小宝宝,沿着大街跑了。He ran down the street and turned toward the park.他沿着街道跑,之后转向了公园的方向。Residents panicked as flaming petrol poured down the street.燃烧的汽油洒向街面,居民惊慌失措。The wind bowled his hat down the street.风吹得他的帽子沿街滚去。The team and its fans paraded down the street.球队及其球迷们上街游行庆祝。Margaret sprinted down the street, almost collapsing when she reached us.玛格丽特在街上拼命地跑,追上我们时她已几乎瘫倒了。The cars were parked nose to tail down the street.汽车一辆紧接着一辆地停在街道上。The heavily-loaded garbage truck lumbered down the street.满载重物的垃圾车笨重地驶过街道。The car was barrelling down the street at a crazy speed.汽车以疯狂的速度在街上飞驰。Tom pedaled his bicycle down the street.汤姆沿著街道骑自行车。A young man came hurrying down the street.一个年轻人急匆匆地沿着马路走来。I was walking down the street when this dog starts chasing me. 我正沿着街道走,突然,一只狗开始追我。He set off down the street in pursuit of the dog.他动身沿街追赶那条狗。He bucketed his car down the street.他驾车沿街飞驰。Exit the highway, take a right off the ramp, then continue down the street until you get to the first traffic light.驶离公路后,右拐进入匝道,然后继续沿着这条街一直驶到第一个交通灯处。He zagged down the street on his bicycle.他东歪西倒地从自行车上跌倒在街上。A Scottish battalion was marching down the street.苏格兰军队的一个营正沿街行进。I can't even walk down the street without being continually pestered for money.只要我上街就有人不断地缠着我要钱。He lost all semblance of dignity and rushed down the street after her.他完全顾不得尊严,沿着街道冲过去追她。The drunken man zigzagged down the street.那醉鬼东倒西歪地沿街走去。She cantered her horse down the street.她策马慢跑沿大街而去。I was walking down the street when, all of a sudden, it started raining.我在街上行走时突然下起了雨。They just opened a new fast-food franchise down the street.他们刚在街边开了家新的快餐专卖店。As you come down the street, my house will be on your/the right.你沿着那条街一直走,我的家就在你的右手边。You could hear the bass thumping right down the street.你能听到街道上传来弹奏贝司的砰砰声。The two men walked slowly down the street.那两个人沿着街道慢慢地往前走。He felt such pride walking his little daughter down the street.他陪着小女儿在街上走,感到非常自豪。He was walking down the street when he spied an old friend.他在街上走的时候看见了一位老朋友。Morris struck his drum, and the band started to march down the street.莫里斯敲起鼓来,乐队开始沿着大街行进。




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