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词汇 down the middle
例句 Slice the banana right down the middle. 把这根香蕉切成相等的两半。We put all the money together and then split it down the middle.我们把所有的钱都放在一起,然后再平分。The organization split down the middle over the issue.这个组织就此问题发生争论,分裂成两派。They agreed to split the bill down the middle.他们同意均摊费用。The voters are split down the middle on this issue.选民在这一问题上支持和反对各半。It felt good to drive down the middle of the road, hooting at every junction.在马路中央直驱而行,每到交叉路口就摁喇叭,这样开车感觉真好。His third pitch was a fastball down the middle of the plate.他的第三投是个快球,沿投手板中间飞过。At first, her earnings were split down the middle with her agent.开始的时候,她的收入是和代理人均分的。A wall of sheet rock was placed down the middle.一堵石板墙置于中央。Let's split the work down the middle.让我们平均分配这项工作吧。The lid had split down the middle.盖子从中间裂开了。We split the boards down the middle to use them for the back of the shelves.我们把木板从中间锯开,用作架子的背板。My horse had a big white stripe down the middle of his nose.我的马沿着鼻子中间有一道粗粗的白色条纹。Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle.那么你就从香肠的中间切开吧。If the conservatives are not removed, then the party will almost certainly split down the middle.如果不除掉保守势力,那么这个党几乎肯定会分裂成两派。The human brain is divided vertically down the middle into two hemispheres.人脑从中央垂直地分为两半球。The two groups were separated by an imaginary line down the middle of the room.房屋中间似乎有一道无形的界线,将这两群人隔开了。The corridor runs down the middle of the building.走廊沿着大楼的中部延伸。We split the cost down the middle. 我们平摊费用。This issue has divided the Conservative Party down the middle.这个问题已经使保守党分裂成两派。Draw a line down the middle of the page.在这页纸的中间画一条竖线。Feelings about the war split the country right down the middle.对战争的看法使该国人民分为两派。He walked down the middle aisle.他沿着中间通道走来。Her dark hair was parted down the middle.她乌黑的头发在中间分缝。The family is split down the middle on this issue.在这一问题上全家人分成了两派。The war split the country down the middle.战争使这个国家一分为二。His pitches were right down the middle of the plate.他的投球正中本垒板中部。




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