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词汇 doubled
例句 The allocation for atomic research has been doubled.原子能研究的拨款增加了一倍。There weren't enough offices, so we doubled up.办公室不够,我们就合用一间。The shares have doubled in value since I bought them, and I'm hoping they'll be my first ten-bagger within a year or two.自从我购买这些股票后,其价值已经翻倍了。我希望在一两年内,能成为我的首批十倍股。The number of complaints has doubled.投诉量增加了一倍。Her legs doubled under her and she sank down upon the floor in a faint.她两腿一弯, 昏倒在地。The number of warships stationed outside European waters roughly doubled.部署在欧洲水域之外的战舰数量差不多增加了一倍。The part of the old hunter was doubled by a well-known actor.老猎人一角由一位著名演员兼演。Private car ownership has almost doubled in the past 10 years.私人汽车的拥有量在过去十年里几乎翻了一番。The pain doubled him over. = He was doubled over with pain.他疼得直不起腰了。Real estate prices have doubled in value over the last decade.过去十年间不动产价格翻了一番。He doubled up in pain.他疼得直不起腰了。The number of attacks has doubled.袭击的次数翻了一倍。The company has doubled in value during his tenure.在他的任期内,公司的市值翻了一番。The runner doubled in pain with a cramp.赛跑运动员因抽筋而痛得蜷起身子。The amount spent on compensation claims has nearly doubled.花在索赔上的费用总额几乎翻了一番。The fact that the number of deaths from cancer in the area has doubled surely gives the lie to official assurances of the safety of nuclear power.该地区的癌症死亡人数已经翻了一番,这个事实说明官方对核电安全性所作的种种保证纯属一派胡言。Under her leadership, the magazine's circulation doubled in less than a year.在她的领导下,这份杂志的发行量不到一年就翻了一番。Cover the dough and allow it to rise until it has doubled in size.把面团盖起来,让它发酵到两倍的大小。He was doubled up with cramps from the greasy stew.他吃了油腻的炖菜后肚子疼得直不起身。The thief doubled and ran towards the village.窃贼突然折回,朝村子跑去。We all doubled over laughing.我们都笑得直不起腰了。The church has doubled its membership in the last five years.这座教堂的会众在过去的五年里增加了一倍。The alterations doubled the value of the house.改建后房子增值了一倍。They doubled their winnings.他们使赢的钱翻了一番。Everyone was doubled over in laughter.每个人都笑弯了腰。Within two years the company had doubled in size.在两年时间内,这家公司的规模扩大了一倍。He doubled the hero in a sword fight.在斗剑这场戏中,他担任主角的替身。Student enrolments have more than doubled.学生注册人数翻了一倍多。I doubled off through the smoke.我跑步穿过浓烟。He was doubled over in pain, gasping and retching as if his insides were on fire.他痛得腰都直不起来,又是喘气又是干呕,那样子就像他的五脏六腑被火烧似的。The players were doubled for tournament.运动员们被分成对子参加比赛。The player doubled up in pain after an object struck him.被物体击中后,那名选手疼得弓起了身子。The organization's ranks have doubled in the past two years.这个组织的成员在过去两年里增加了一倍。Daly kept this school open after hours so it doubled as a community center.戴利在学生放学后继续开放学校,把它兼作社区中心。They've doubled your salary? Give over!他们付了你双倍薪水?我才不信呢!He doubled his pay by accepting bribes.他接受贿赂,使收入翻番。Prosecutions for water pollution more than doubled.水污染引起的起诉增加了一倍多。I believe they've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press.我相信,那些广告在报上刊登出来后,他们的营业额已经翻番。Sales have doubled in volume.销售额翻了一番。The escaped prisoner doubled back on his tracks.逃犯又循原路折回。




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