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词汇 dotted
例句 The dotted lines indicate the elongation.虚线表示延长的部分。There are countless small ski areas dotted about the province.不计其数的小型滑雪场遍布省内各处。The maps were dotted with the names of small towns.地图上散布着小城镇的名字。The fields were dotted with wildflowers.原野中点缀着野花。The beaches were dotted with people.海滩上到处是人。The landscape is dotted with the tents of campers and hikers.乡间散布着宿营者和远足者搭起的帐篷。Sales targets are indicated on the graph by a vertical dotted line.销售指标在图表中用竖虚线表示。The lake was dotted with sailboats.湖面上星星点点布满了帆船。The text is dotted with digressions.文中时不时会出现偏离主题的内容。Rocks of all sizes dotted the landscape.大小不一的岩石点缀着风景。All we saw were a few workmen's cottages dotted here and there along the road.我们沿途看到的只有星星点点的几处工人宿舍。The tracks of mountain goats polka-dotted the dusty ridge.山羊的踪迹使土灰色的山脊上布满斑点。She wore her new dotted blouse.她穿着她那件花点新衬衫。The coast is dotted with tiny creeks.海岸上点缀着星罗棋布的小水湾。History is dotted with rum and inexplicable occurrences.历史中不时穿插着一些离奇而难以说清的事件。Footpaths are shown on the map as dotted red lines.人行小道在地图上用红色虚线表示。There were small, white bungalows dotted over the hillside.小山边到处都是白色的小平房。Make sure the repairs are done before you sign on the dotted line.确定修理完成后,再在虚线上签字。The dotted line on the map shows the path that goes from the church down to the river.地图上的虚线指示从教堂到河边的路。Cut the paper along the dotted line.沿虚线把纸裁开。Sign on the dotted line.在虚线处签字。The lake was dotted with boats.湖中到处是小船。Sign on the dotted line, please.请在虚线上签名。The coast is dotted with tiny inlets.一个个小水湾点缀着海岸。The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artificial.这个城市小型湖泊星罗棋布,有天然的也有人工的。If you want to join the gym, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line.若想加入该俱乐部,仅需签名即可。The maps were dotted with the names of small towns.地图上遍布着小城镇的名字。Their street was dotted with burned-out and boarded-up buildings.他们的街道上到处都是烧空了并用木板封起来的房子。When we arrive at the office each morning we have to sign on the dotted line.每天早晨我们到办公室时,都要签上大名。Tiny flowers dotted the hillside.山坡上点缀着许多小花。Once you sign on the dotted line you are committed to that property.一旦你签字同意,这份地产就交由你照管了。The boundary was marked with a dotted line.边界用虚线标示。Make sure you get all the details before you sign on the dotted line. 在正式签字前,要确保你已经了解了所有细节。Picnic tables were dotted among the trees.野餐桌东一处、西一处地分布在林间。She is wearing a dotted dress today.今天她穿一件带圆点的衣服。This is just one of several statues dotted through the gardens, though never obtrusively.各花园里都散布着几座雕像,丝毫不显突兀,这只是其中的一座。That curtain material is too dotted — it dazzles me.那块窗帘布点子太多,看得我眼花缭乱。The dotted line on the graph denotes profits.图上的虚线代表利润。The calm sea was dotted with brigs.平静的海上点缀著一只只双桅横帆船。Just sign on the dotted line and we'll have a deal.只需在虚线处签名,我们就成交了。




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