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词汇 do the job
例句 We weren't given much latitude in deciding how to do the job.在如何开展这项工作的问题上,我们当时没什么选择余地。If you can't do the job yourself,pass it on to someone who can.如果你自己不能完成这项工作的话,把它交给能做的人去做。I volunteered to do the job. = I volunteered for the job.我自愿去做那项工作。He offered to do the job for a few coppers.他说他来做这份工作,给他几个铜板就行。She was cocksure that she was able to do the job.她坚信自己能做那项工作。We have perfect confidence in your ability to do the job.我们完全相信你有能力做这工作。It's more satisfying to do the job by oneself.独自一人做这项工作更让人感到满足。He is thought to be anywhere near achieving the competence to do the job.人们认为他差不多具备了做这件事的能力。 She offered to do the job for a small consideration.她主动提出做这项工作,并且酬金要求很低。I felt some misgivings about his ability to do the job.我对他从事那份工作的能力有些不放心。I am confident about my ability to do the job.我相信我有能力做好这个工作。What does the job actually entail?这项工作实际包括什么?He was never properly trained, so you can't really blame him if he can't do the job.他从来没有受到过恰当的训练,所以要是他做不了这份工作你也不能真的怪他。Here, this knife should do the job.好了,这把刀子应该管用。Dynamically it is no sports car, but it does the job.从动力方面来说,这车还算不上赛车,但是可以当赛车用。To do the job well, we need a special lab, a lot of money. Talents. Anyway, it's going to be a costly project.要做好这事,我们需要一个特别的实验室,投入大量经费,还要人才。总之,这是个代价不菲的项目。The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.欧文集团及其合作者正在检测激光器能否更好地完成这项工作。She is qualified to do the job.她能胜任这一工作。You can do the job anyway you want.这工作你想怎么干都行。A little more glue should do the job.再加一点胶水就成了。Paul said he knew how to do the job and offered to show Tom, but it ended up as the blind leading the blind.保罗说这活儿他会做,还主动说要做给汤姆看,但结果却像瞎子给瞎子引路。The mayor hired a private contractor rather than using city workers to do the job.市长雇了私人承包商而不是市政员工来做这项工作。Your age has nothing to do with your ability to do the job.年龄与做该工作的能力无关。We shall decide who will do the job, as the case may be.我们将根据情况决定由谁来做这项工作。The company won the contract by essentially saying it would do the job for free.那家公司基本上是靠宣称免费进行那项工作才赢得了合同。Just try to do the job to the best of your ability.试着尽你所能把这项工作做好。Everyone knows he's the only person who can do the job.人人都知道他是唯一能做这项工作的人。Stephanie was humble enough to admit that others could probably do the job better than she could.斯蒂芬妮很谦虚,甚至承认别人来干这工作可能比她更好。It's time he stood aside and let a more qualified person do the job.他该让位了,让更称职的人来做这份工作。She boggled at the suggestion at first,but finally agreed to do the job.她起先对这个建议犹豫不定,但最后同意做这工作。If he can't cut it, then we'll get someone else to do the job.要是他干不了这活儿,那我们就另请高明。Just do the job to the best of your ability.只要你尽力工作就行了。I didn't do the job, I've been framed up.我没有做这件事,我是被诬陷的。No-one can set up a waste disposal company unless they can show that they've got enough money and trained staff to do the job properly.任何人若想成立废品处理公司,必须证明其拥有足够资金和受训员工以保证工作可以顺利开展。The Irvine group and their collaborators are testing whether lasers do the job better.欧文研究小组和他们的合作伙伴正在测试激光是否会更为有效。I can certainly do the job if you give me time.只要你给我时间,我肯定能完成那项工作。It would be next to impossible to do the job in such a short time.这么短的时间里干这件事是不大可能的。It hurts me to say this , but I just don't think you can do the job.说这话我很抱歉,但我确实认为你干不了这份工作。Hold your horses - I haven't even said I'll do the job yet!别急,我还没说我要干这工作呢!Grab these mothers.They'll really do the job.抓住这些大家伙,它们会把活干好的。




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