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词汇 doctors
例句 Many doctors fail to report cases, even though food poisoning is a notifiable disease.很多医生没有报告病例,尽管食物中毒是应该通报的。Her doctors have pronounced her cured. 她的医生宣布她已经痊愈了。He was examined by several doctors, who found nothing wrong with him.几位医生给他做了检查,没发现什么问题。Top doctors asked to be allowed to prescribe cannabis for pain relief.一流的医生要求相关部门批准其为缓解疼痛开大麻处方。Some doctors are trying a radical new approach to cancer treatment.有些医生在尝试一种全新的治疗癌症的方法。At one time doctors recommended red meat as part of a healthy diet but not any more.医生曾一度建议吃红肉,认为这是健康饮食的一部分,但是现在他们不这么认为了。There's always been a certain amount of antipathy between the two doctors.这两个医生之间一向有嫌隙。New doctors quickly become hardened to the terrible injuries suffered by accident victims.新来的医生很快就对事故受害者遭受的重伤习以为常了。British doctors who take short-term jobs abroad在国外从事短期工作的英国医生He is generally distrustful of doctors.他通常对医生是不信任的。You can spell out your preferences in an advance directive, so that your family and doctors know what you want.你可以在事前委托书中详细说明你的选择,以便你的家人和医生知道你的意愿。The law prohibits insurance companies from imposing gag rules that limit communication between doctors and their patients.这项法律禁止保险公司对医生与病人间的交流实施限制规定。The operation was performed by a battery of doctors.这个手术由一组医生共同完成。His parents sought out the best doctors in the field.他的父母请到了这一领域最好的医生。There is sufficient rapport between hospitals and family doctors.医院和家庭医师之间有相当的默契。The doctors were stumped and had to call in a specialist.医生们被难倒了,只好请来专家。I have little faith in doctors these days.我如今几乎不相信医生。Aromatherapy was dismissed out of hand by traditional doctors.传统的医生断然认为香薰疗法根本不值一提。Parents have been convinced by doctors that, on balance, vaccination protects their child.家长们已经被医生说服了,认为总的说来接种疫苗可以保护孩子。But for all the cancers that are caught by doctors, many still slip through.除了医生诊断出来的癌症,还有许多未被发现。All the doctors here are top in their field.这里所有的医生都是各自领域最顶尖的。The doctors know how to deal with the disease.医生们知道如何对付这种疾病。We have improved the way doctors deliver care.我们改善了医生提供护理的方式。The doctors are doing all they can to pull mother back to health.医生们正尽力使母亲恢复健康。The doctors had to repeat the operation.医生们不得不重新做这台手术。Both Helen's parents are doctors.海伦的父母都是医生。The doctors have decided to keep him overnight but there is nothing to be alarmed about.医生决定让他留院一晚,但这没什么可担心的。The doctors did spot that Charlie had a stiff neck.医生们的确发现查理的脖子僵硬。One of the school doctors was a dirty old man who always wanted to examine the girls.其中有个校医是老色鬼,老是想给女孩子做检查。The doctors ran some tests on the blood samples.医生们对血样进行了一些化验。Most doctors agree that a suppressed libido is often associated with emotional and psychological problems.大多数医生都认为性压抑往往与情绪问题和心理问题有关。Three of the members on the panel are doctors.咨询小组有三名成员是医生。Her ideas have met with support from doctors and health professionals.她的想法得到了医生和医疗保健专业人员的支持。The doctors tried to fight the disease.医生试图攻克这一疾病。He surprised all the doctors by lingering on for several weeks.他拖了几个星期才去世,让所有的医生都很惊讶。There is general agreement among doctors that pregnant women should not smoke.医生普遍认为怀孕妇女不应该吸烟。People often find the medical language used by doctors confusing.人们经常觉得医生所用的医学用语令人费解。It's a group practice, so you can easily change doctors.这是一家联合诊所,所以你可以方便地换医生。The results show the level of frustration among hospital doctors.这些结果显示了医院医生的不满程度。In the doctors' eyes the length of time you have lived with your problem somehow dilutes its acuteness.在医生眼里,得病的时间越久,其严重性就越是不强。




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