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If a firm does a job well, we use them again.如果一家公司把工作干得好,我们以后还会请他们干。It stands to reason that you cannot find the right person to do a job unless you know exactly what that job is.除非你确切知道那是件什么工作,否则你就无法找到做那件工作的合适人选,这是明摆着的。You're here to do a job, not go gallivanting around those country clubs.你来这里是做事的,不是逛那些城郊俱乐部的。You're going to do a job where your qualifications will count.你将去做一项你的资历很能起作用的工作。When Jim does a job, he does it up brown.吉姆每做一件事总是彻底做好。 |