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词汇 skull
例句 He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull.他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。He was killed by an axe blow to the base of his skull.他是颅底遭斧子重创死亡的。He can't seem to get it into his skull that I'm just not interested in him.他这个笨蛋好像无法明白我根本对他不感兴趣。He had two broken ribs and a fractured skull.他两根肋骨被折断,头颅骨折。The damage to the victim's skull occurred postmortem.受害者头骨的损伤发生在死后。The ship was flying a pirate flag with the skull and crossbones on it.那条船挂着一面画有骷髅头的海盗旗。The soft parts of a baby's skull ossify as he grows older.婴儿的头颅软部随着年龄增长会硬化成骨。She had a piece of metal embedded deep in her skull.有一块金属深嵌在她的颅骨内。He suffered a fractured skull.他头骨开裂了。Will you get it into your thick skull that I'm not coming!你这个笨脑袋怎么就不明白我不来了!Her husband was later treated for a fractured skull.她丈夫后来接受了颅骨骨折治疗。He cradled the baby in his arms, his hands cupping her tiny skull.他轻轻地抱着婴儿,双手托着她的小脑袋。The nine-year-old boy was hit by a car and shattered his skull on the pavement.那个九岁男孩被汽车撞倒,头颅撞在人行道上碎裂了。The bullet passed straight through his skull.子弹直穿过他的头骨。The periosteum of the skull is called the pericranium.颅骨外的一层骨膜被称为颅骨膜。There was a small protuberance on the skull.头盖骨上有一小块鼓起的部分。The bottle had a skull and crossbones symbol on it.瓶子上有骷髅画标记。They stamped a skull and crossbones on the labels of poisonous drugs.他们在毒药标签上打上骷髅图。Can't you get it into your thick skull that we can't afford it?你这个笨脑瓜难道还不明白我们买不起吗? The dog's skull is slightly domed.这条狗的头有点圆。Freeman cracked his skull in the accident.费里曼在事故中颅骨骨折。The bones of the skull are not properly fused at birth.出生的时候头骨结合得并不紧密。The painting features a human skull, the classic memento mori.油画中有一个人的头骨,这是经典的死亡象征。He had clipped his hair close to the skull.他齐根剪掉了自己的头发。She was found to have a hairline fracture of the skull.她被发现颅骨上有一道极细的裂缝。He received a crack on the skull.他的头骨裂了一道缝。She suffered a fractured skull in the accident.她在事故中颅骨骨折。People with Gorlin's syndrome usually have abnormally large heads and other abnormalities of the spine, ribs, or skull.戈林综合症患者通常头部异常巨大,同时还在脊椎、肋骨、颅骨处有异常。His dark curls were sweated to his skull.他汗湿的黑色卷发粘在脑袋上。Surgeons covered the wound in his skull with a metal plate.外科医生用一块金属片把他头骨上的伤口盖住。The patient's brain activity is monitored via electrodes taped to the skull.病人的大脑活动通过固定在其头骨上的电极进行监控。He had already clipped his hair close to the skull.他已经把头发剪得贴头皮了。It was thought that the skull was too small and light to belong to an adult male.有人认为,这个头骨太小太轻,不是属于成年男性的。The sound of the alarm clock pierced his skull.闹钟的响声响彻他的脑袋。One bullet shattered his skull.一颗子弹打碎了他的头颅。Has he got the truth into his thick skull yet?他还没有弄明白真实情况?Her grey hair had been cropped close to her skull.她的灰白头发紧贴头皮,剪得很短。The butt of a rifle had been used to bash in his skull.他的头骨是被来复枪的枪托砸伤的。The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull.轻微的前后晃动让他的脑袋感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。




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