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例句 Recently I've started to do a lot of walking and cycling.最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车。He does a very good imitation of Liza Minelli.他模仿莉莎・米内利很是惟妙惟肖。Ethan Hawke does a solid job in a thankless role.对这个吃力不讨好的角色,伊桑・霍克还是做足了功课。In our third year at college everyone had to do a special project.大学三年级时,每个人必须做一项专题研究。If he thinks he can do a better job of running it, he is welcome to try.如果他认为自己来管理能做得更好,那么我们欢迎他试一试。He does a lot of travelling in his job.他在工作中要跑很多地方。Before you get green with envy, I had to do a lot of stuff that wasn't so glamorous, too.你先别忙着妒忌,我也是做了许多默默无闻的事的。Why does he want to do a mad thing like that? It's not like him.他为什么要做这样的傻事呢?这可一点都不像他。How does a private pilot get access to the airways?私人飞行员如何进入航空路线呢?It's crazy. Who would do a thing like that?简直是疯了。谁会做那样的事?I met a pal of mine and he suggested that we do a double act.我遇见一个朋友,他建议我们搭档演出一个节目。I do a lot of reading when I'm on vacation.我休假时大量阅读。It's not hard to do a little studying each day once you get into a/the groove. 一旦进入状态你就不会觉得每天找点时间学习是件难事。How does a country cope with the aftermath of war?一个国家如何处理战后问题?You're going to do a job where your qualifications will count.你将去做一项你的资历很能起作用的工作。Expecting people to do a good job in such a short time is asking the impossible.指望人们在如此短的时间里把工作做好是不可能的。I can't believe you passed up the chance to do a parachute jump.我不敢相信你竟然放弃了尝试跳伞的机会。I thought I'd do a roast for dinner.我想我会做烤肉当晚饭。I'd like to do a tour of Belgium on foot.我想徒步游览比利时。I do a few stretches to loosen up before I run.我跑步前伸展四肢热了热身。I do a lot of research and development work in my job.我的工作涉及大量研发工作。When we bought the house, we had to do a lot of painting and redecorating.我们买下这幢房子的时候,不得不好好油漆装修一番。He does a little novelty act.他表演一小段标新立异的节目。One can do a lot of name-dropping with names of the school's parents. President Nixon sent his daughters there.那所学校的学生家长很多都是名人。尼克松总统就把女儿们送进了那所学校。He is going to do a puff job on me.他正打算对我吹捧一番。She does a marvellous takeoff of the Queen.她学女王的样子学得维妙维肖。Once armed and ready to clean, do a room at a time so the job does not seem too overwhelming.准备好了扫除时,一次清扫一个房间,这样活儿就不会显得太重。So how does a government revive an economy that is dead in the water?那么政府怎样才能使一蹶不振的经济起死回生呢?I'd love to do a parachute jump, but I can't pluck up the/enough courage.我很想跳伞,但没那份胆量。We'll need to do a series of tests before we do anything else.在采取任何行动前我们需要进行一系列的测试。Students do a foundation year before specializing in their chosen field of study.学生们在开始所选专业的学习之前,先进行一年的基础学习。Bring them in here and do a dog and pony act.把他们带到这儿来,搞一次盛大表演。My boss wants me to do a day-release course in computing.我的老板想让我每周脱产一天学习计算机课程。He does a great impersonation of the President.他饰演总统惟妙惟肖。You're here to do a job, not go gallivanting around those country clubs.你来这里是做事的,不是逛那些城郊俱乐部的。How much does a house like that cost in America?那样的房子在美国要多少钱?I do a lot of drawing in my spare time.我的业余时间多用来画画。This year's outstanding tournament will do a lot to restore the competition's prestige.今年出色的锦标赛将会大大恢复该比赛的声望。It would take too long to do a manual search of all the data.手动搜寻所有的资料将会花去太多的时间。The new legislation enables young people to do a form of alternative service.新立法允许年轻人服某种形式的替代役。




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