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词汇 completely destroyed
例句 No one was injured in the explosion, but the building was completely destroyed.没有人在爆炸中受伤,但大楼遭到了彻底毁坏。The school was completely destroyed by fire.学校被大火彻底烧毁了。The building had taken a direct hit and was completely destroyed.大楼被直接击中,彻底被摧毁。The warehouse was completely destroyed by fire.仓库全给烧毁了。When the smoke cleared, we could see that the building had been completely destroyed.烟雾散去后,我们看到那座建筑已彻底被毁。The factory was almost completely destroyed by fire.这家工厂几乎被大火彻底烧毁了。A bomb blast completely destroyed the building.一颗炸弹把大楼炸得粉碎。Dozens of flats had been completely destroyed.许多公寓已经被完全破坏了。Many homes were damaged or completely destroyed in the fire.火灾中很多住宅受到损害或被彻底烧毁。The evidence completely destroyed her argument.这个证据彻底驳倒了她的论点。The fire had almost completely destroyed the village, but, nothing daunted, the people began building again.大火几乎把村庄全毁了,但人们毫无惧色,着手重建家园。The church was completely destroyed in the blaze.教堂在大火中被彻底烧毁了。




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