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词汇 allow of
例句 The situation allows of no delay.情况不容许有任何延误。The task is so urgent that it allows of no hesitation.任务非常紧迫,不容迟疑。The facts allow of only one interpretation.这些事实只可能有一种解释。The evidence allows of two possible interpretations.这个证据容许两种可能的解释。The evidence allows of only one interpretation - he was murdered by his wife.这一证据表明只有一种解释——他是被他妻子谋害的。The stool is tall enough to allow of a baby reaching the bed.凳子的高度足以使幼儿爬上床去。Such conduct allows of no excuse.这种行为无可辩解。His father's army pension allowed of few luxuries.他父亲的军队抚恤金买不了多少奢侈品。This rule allows of no exceptions.必须严格遵守这一规则,没有例外。The evidence allows of no other interpretation.这项证据只能有一种解释。




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