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词汇 allow in
例句 Smoking is allowed in designated areas.允许在指定区域内吸烟。Only a certain number of people are allowed in the building at any one time.该建筑任何时候都只允许一定数量的人员进入。At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.到了晚上,瞳孔会扩大以接收更多光线。Smoking is not allowed in any part of the building.这大楼里任何地方都不准吸烟。Abortions would only be allowed in cases of rape or incest.只有被强奸或乱伦受孕才允许堕胎。Only a limited number of students will be allowed in the class.这个班的招生名额很有限。No physical contact with other players is allowed in the game.参赛选手们在比赛中不能发生身体接触。You are not allowed in the terminal without a ticket.没有票你不得进入航站楼。Pets aren't allowed in this hotel.这个旅馆不准许将宠物带入。Wheeled conveyances of any kind are not allowed in the park.任何有轮的交通工具都不许在公园里行驶。She was allowed in only on sufferance.她只是勉强地被允许进入。No soliciting is allowed in this building.本大楼内谢绝推销。He wasn't allowed in the choir because he couldn't hold a tune.他没能进唱诗班,因为他唱歌时走调。There is no smoking allowed in this restaurant.本餐厅禁止吸烟。TV cameras are sometimes allowed in the courts, but it depends on the circumstances.法庭上有时允许电视摄像,但视情形而定。There is a ceiling on the amount of foreign investment allowed in any company in the country.国内公司所允许的国外投资是有上限的。It is laid down in the club rules that guests are not allowed in unless they are accompanied by a club member.俱乐部规则里写明,宾客若无会员陪同不得入内。No skating is allowed in the parking lot.停车场禁止溜冰。No hunting is allowed in the preserve.保护区内禁止打猎。This evidence will not be allowed in court.这项证据在法庭上不会被接受。Dogs are not allowed in the children's play area.不许将狗带入儿童游乐区。One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military.他们中间的一个人登上了小讲台,开始跟当地人讲军队为什么应该允许招募同性恋者。Beverages are not allowed in the school bus.校车上不准喝饮料。Picnicking is only allowed in designated areas.只允许在指定的地区野餐。These substances are not allowed in organic production.这些物质是不允许进入有机生产的。We were given strict instructions that nobody should be allowed in the building without a security card.我们接到严格指示,任何人没有保安卡均不得进入大楼。There will be stricter regulations dictating which foods are allowed in schools.哪些食品会获准进入学校将会有更严格的规定。He was processed through the security network before being allowed in.他经安全系统检查后方被准许入内。Only ticket holders will be allowed in.持票者才准予入场。The regulations stipulate the maximum number of children allowed in a class.规章规定了一个班级允许招收儿童的最多人数。Forces were not allowed in the DMZ.非军事区不允许部队进入。Cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes.汽车不得驶入自行车道。That kind of behavior isn't allowed in polite society. 在中上层社会,那种行为是不容许的。Disobedience cannot be allowed in the army.军中不许违抗命令。Only a restricted number of students will be allowed in the class.获准进入这个班的学生名额有限。




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