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词汇 dissatisfied
例句 Employees of the company are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs.这家公司的雇员对自己的工作越来越不满意。The teacher was dissatisfied with the student's work.教师对那个学生的学业不满意。She was dissatisfied by the poor service.她对拙劣的服务非常不满。If you are dissatisfied with this product, please return it.如果您对此产品不满意,敬请退货。She's very dissatisfied with her current job.她对目前的工作很不满意。We were dissatisfied with the service.我们对服务不满意。The team's poor performance dissatisfied the coach.球队打得差劲,教练大为不满。He felt restless and dissatisfied.他感到不安和不满。The director, Ron Howard, was dissatisfied with Nicole's response even after several retakes.虽然重拍了好几次,导演罗恩·霍华德仍然对妮科尔的表现不满意。He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous in his old age.到了晚年,他愈感不满,牢骚不断。The new regulations give dissatisfied customers the right to receive a full refund.新规定使不满意的顾客有权得到全额退款。Most rail-users were deeply dissatisfied with the sort of service they were getting.大多数铁路乘客都对他们得到的这种服务很不满意。Milo is one of a growing number of politicians who have become dissatisfied with the current government.越来越多的政治家对现政府不满意,米洛就是其中之一。Their final decision dissatisfied everyone.他们最终的决定让每个人都不满意。Many people are dissatisfied at not finding suitable jobs.许多人对找不到合适的工作心怀不满。The dissatisfied stockholders criticized the company's management.不满的股东们批评了公司的管理层。The decision left us feeling deeply dissatisfied.这个决定我们很不满意。You may be dissatisfied, but is that sufficient reason to resign?也许你感到不满意,但要辞职的话这个理由够充足吗?But Artaud was increasingly dissatisfied with film as a medium.但是阿尔托对电影这种媒介越来越不满。The director was dissatisfied even after several retakes.重拍了好几次,导演还是不满意。She was dissatisfied with her salary.她对自己的薪水不满意。He was dissatisfied with his job.他对自己的工作不满意。Voters are dissatisfied with the government.选民对政府不满。He had a dissatisfied expression on his face.他脸上流露出不满的神色。Many people will be left dissatisfied.许多人都会感到不满意。How can dissatisfied taxpayers register disapproval of government policies?不满的纳税人可以怎样来表示反对政府的政策呢?Characteristically, Puccini was dissatisfied with the end result.果然,普契尼对最后的结果不满意。He felt restless and dissatisfied as he drove home.在开车回家的途中,他感到烦躁不安,很不高兴。The old lady's complacency contrasted with the dissatisfied air of her daughter.老妇人的满足和她女儿的不满神态形成对照。The manufacturers are reported to have received a litany of complaints from dissatisfied customers.据报道制造商已经收到了顾客一连串不满意的投诉。The present coup d'etat was initiated by a clique of dissatisfied politicians.这次政变是由一小群不满意的政客发起的。The store issues refunds to dissatisfied customers.这家商店会退还货款予不满的顾客。




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