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词汇 disposition
例句 My grandma has a cantankerous disposition like a mule.我的祖母脾气不好,像只驴子。He has a mercurial disposition that changes with the situation he is in.他脾气反复无常,随情况而异。Do people have a natural disposition to be good?人性本善吗?Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.斯塔克斯法官受命对资金的分配进行监督。Hamlet's assumed antic disposition哈姆雷特的装疯卖傻His chippy disposition often lands him in trouble.他易怒的脾气经常给他带来麻烦。He has an irascible disposition/temper.他性情/脾气暴躁。He has an ugly disposition/temper.他的性情/脾气很暴躁。This movie is not recommended for those of a nervous disposition.这部电影不适合神经质的人观看。He has an incalculable disposition.他的脾气难捉摸。It's nice to work with someone who has such a sunny disposition. 与一位性格如此阳光的人共事非常愉快。Years of imprisonment warped his disposition.长年的囚禁生活把他的性格扭曲了。Despite the change in his disposition, his reputation for meanness proved more adhesive than he deserved.尽管他性情有了改变,吝啬的恶名却久久摆脱不了。This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically.这使他倾向于用批判的眼光看待我们的传统。Rosalind had a sunny disposition and a pleasant smile.罗莎琳德性格开朗,脸上总是带着亲切的微笑。Marcia managed to keep a cheerful disposition despite her troubles at home.玛西娅尽管家里有种种苦恼,她还是保持着一份乐观的心情。These dogs show a very sociable disposition.这些狗显得十分合群。She's got quite a nasty temper/disposition.她的脾气/性格很令人讨厌。She had a mercurial personality/disposition.她的脾气反复无常。He had a sunny disposition.他的性格很阳光。The film is not suitable for people of a nervous disposition.这部影片不适合神经质的人观看。He's considerate and sweet-tempered but of a very nervous disposition.他待人体贴、性情温和,但是十分神经质。Her disposition was to always think negatively.她凡事都爱往坏处想。He has a nervous disposition.他生性爱紧张。Dixon had a disposition to stammer.狄克逊有口吃的习惯。He has a mild manner/disposition.他态度/性格随和。We have as yet found no obstacle, no disposition to flag.到此时为止,我们还没有碰上过什么障碍,也没有感觉到什么疲惫。This program may not be suitable for people with a nervous disposition.这节目不适合性情紧张的人观看。Her disposition has soured in recent years.她的性情近几年变差了。He has a disposition toward criminal behavior.他有犯罪倾向。Sue had a sunny disposition and a warm smile.休性格开朗,脸上总带着亲切的微笑。John, with his easy disposition, was more inclined to make light of the matter.约翰性情随和,很可能没把这太当回事儿。He was a man of decisive action and an adventurous disposition.他是一个行动果断、乐于冒险的人。Most children have a disposition towards obedience.大部分儿童都有服从的倾向。He is not known for having a warm and friendly disposition.他并不以性格热情友好而出名。The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.这些乘坐项目不适合神经质的人。A will is a legal document that is used in the disposition of property.遗嘱是用来处置财产的法律文件。A solicitor advised him as to the disposition of the money.事务律师建议他如何处置这笔钱。Her face was a fair index to her disposition.她的脸部表情清楚地显示出她的个人气质。Mental misery soured her disposition.精神上的痛苦使她性情变得乖戾。




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