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词汇 displaced
例句 Investment in the nationalized industries has simply displaced private investment.对国有化行业的投资完全取代了私人投资。The war has displaced thousands of people.那场战争使成千上万的人背井离乡。The organization is working to rehouse families who were displaced in the fire.这一机构正在为那些因火灾无家可归的家庭安排新住处。Fifty thousand people have been displaced by the fighting.五万人因战争而逃离家园。I don't want to be displaced in your heart by that young fool.我不愿那个幼稚的傻瓜取代我在你心中的地位。Wells had displaced two ankle ligaments, and required surgery.韦尔斯的两条踝韧带错位了,需要手术。Some of the objects on the table had been displaced by the thief.桌上的一些东西被贼动过了。As the battery gassed, the air became displaced by hydrogen gas.电池释放气体时,周围空气被氢气排开。Most of the civilians displaced by the war will be unable to return to their homes.大多数由于战争而流亡的平民都无法重返家园。Television has displaced motion pictures as America's most popular form of entertainment.电视取代了电影的地位,成了美国最为普遍的娱乐方式。Many of the company's workers were displaced by machines.公司的很多工人都被机器取代了。These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange.这些工厂已取代旅游业成为该国最大的外汇来源。Everything in the living room was displaced into the study.起居室的所有东西都被移到了书房。Industry has displaced tourism as our main income.工业已经取代旅游业成为我们主要的收入来源。The closing of the factory has displaced many workers.工厂倒闭使很多工人失业。Moderates have displaced the extremists on the committee.在委员会中,稳健派人士取代了激进派人士。The water displaced by the landslides created a tidal wave.崩塌排出的水形成一股大浪。Some say football has displaced baseball as America's national pastime.有人说橄榄球已经取代棒球成为全美的休闲运动。The officer was displaced from his regiment as a result of misconduct.这位军官因行为不端被开除出团。The hurricane displaced most of the town's residents.飓风使镇上的大多数居民无家可归。Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power.煤炭将被天然气和核能取代。The President displaced his Secretary of State.总统撤换了国务卿。Many of the inhabitants were displaced by the rising floodwaters.许多居民由于洪水上涨而离开了家园。Coal has been displaced by natural gas as a major source of energy.作为一种主要能源的煤正为天然气所取代。The organization facilitates the return of refugees and displaced persons.该机构帮助难民及流亡者回家。He displaced a bone in his knee while playing football.他踢足球时膝盖骨脱臼了。A flood of displaced refugees fled west.大批背井离乡的难民像潮水般向西边逃难。




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