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词汇 dismayed
例句 She was dismayed to see how much he had aged.看到他老了那么多,她觉得很难过。I was dismayed to find that the clothes did not fit.我沮丧地发现衣服不合身。He stared at his favourite child, dismayed, filled with fear.他惊愕地盯着自己最宠爱的孩子,满心恐惧。What especially dismayed me was that no one else protested.尤其让我感到沮丧的是其他人都没反对。The thought that she was crying dismayed him.想到她在哭泣,他伤心不已。The poor election turnout dismayed politicians.寥寥的投票人数,使政治家们感到失望。Some of the Republican policies have left feminists dismayed and aghast.共和党的一些政策令女权主义者惊愕、诧异。Danby was dismayed that Watt had opposed him in the vote.丹比对沃特投了他反对票感到失望。I was dismayed at the poor reviews.这些差评让我灰心丧气。American historians are dismayed at the condition of the texts stored in the library.美国历史学家对于该图书馆文本的保存情况很失望。His absence from the team sheet dismayed some Tottenham fans.出场名单中没有他的名字让一些托特汉姆队的球迷感到沮丧。Well, speaking as a journalist I'm dismayed by the amount of pressure there is for pictures of combat.嗯,作为一名新闻记者,拍摄战争场面的巨大压力让我深感不安。The boy was dismayed to see his idol drunk and in disarray.这男孩看到他崇拜的偶像喝醉了酒,衣冠不整,感到很失望。She was very dismayed to learn/discover that he was so ill.当她得知/发现他病得那么厉害时,她非常担忧。The teacher was dismayed at the students' lack of response.老师对学生的毫无反应感到沮丧。I was dismayed by/at his indifference.他的冷漠让我很失望。What dismayed me most about their behaviour was their rudeness.他们的行为最让我失望的是他们的粗鲁。We are dismayed that the demonstration was allowed to take place.游行得到批准让我们感到失望。We were dismayed by the violence of his reaction.他反应之暴烈使我们惊愕。He was dismayed to find that his hands were shaking.他惶恐地发现自己的双手在发抖。Many of the nurses are dismayed that the management intends to make further service reductions.管理层打算进一步削减服务项目,许多护士对此忧心忡忡。The committee was dismayed by what it had been told.委员会对所告知的一切很是惊愕。The thought of leaving dismayed him.想到要离开,他感到沮丧。We were dismayed to discover that our daughter Louise had started experimenting with heroin.发现女儿路易丝开始吸食海洛因,我们很担心。He was dismayed at the cynicism of the youngsters.他对年轻人的愤世嫉俗感到难过。They were dismayed at the cost of the repairs.这笔修理费让他们感到忧虑。The committee was dismayed by what it had been told.委员会为他们所获知的情况担忧。He was dismayed at the sight.眼前这一幕令他感到惊慌。I was surprised, embarrassed, and dismayed all at once.我一时间感到吃惊、尴尬又沮丧。I was dismayed by their decision to replace Reynolds with a younger man.他们决定要用一个更年轻的人换掉雷诺兹,这让我心灰意冷。




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