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词汇 disgust
例句 He slung the book away in disgust.他厌恶地把书扔了。The fans didn't hide their disgust at the umpire's decision.球迷们没有掩饰对裁判这一裁决的反感情绪。Edward tasted the thin, sour wines with disgust.爱德华厌恶地尝了尝那又稀又酸的酒。She looked at me with a sneer of disgust.她带着厌恶鄙夷的冷笑看着我。He threw her one look, then turned away in disgust.他瞥了她一眼,就厌恶地把头扭向了别处。He burped loudly, and she turned her face away in disgust.他大声地打着嗝,她厌恶地转过脸去。Mary looked at him, pity and disgust mingled on her face.玛丽望着他,脸上流露出怜悯与憎恨交集的心情。People are showing their disgust with the existing regime.人们表现出对现政权的厌恶。This abortion of a bridge inspired only disgust.这座畸形的桥梁只会招致人们的厌恶。Hilton stepped into the room, fighting to conquer his feelings of disgust.希尔顿走进房间,努力克制自己的厌恶情绪。He recoiled in apparent disgust.他带着明显的厌恶往后退缩。He spoke of his disgust at the incident.他提及对这件事的反感。My disgust at what he had said grew stronger all the time.我对他说的话越来越反感了。He reached into the bin with a look of disgust on his face.他把手伸进垃圾箱,脸上带着厌恶的表情。A look of disgust came over his face.他脸上显出厌恶的表情。Joe shuddered in disgust.乔厌恶得直发抖。He suppressed a shudder of disgust.他忍着没有因厌恶而颤抖。Much to his disgust, he found himself sharing a carriage with a noisy young family.令他十分厌恶的是,他发现自己与一个叽叽喳喳的年轻家庭在同一个车厢。Hean looked down at Bauer in undisguised disgust.希恩低头看了看鲍尔,毫不掩饰自己的厌恶。She shook her head in disgust when I described the scene.当我描述那个场景时,她气愤地摇头。Sam threw his books down in disgust and stormed out of the room.萨姆反感地扔下书,气愤地冲出了房间。To underline their disgust, the crowd started throwing bottles at the stage.为了宣泄他们的厌恶,观众们开始朝舞台上扔瓶子。He made no attempt to hide his disgust at the umpire's decision, which cost him the match.对于裁判员的裁决,他丝毫没有掩饰自己的气愤,这一判决使得他输掉了这场比赛。She rolled her eyes in disgust.她厌恶地翻了下眼睛。He could not hold back a snort of disgust.他禁不住厌恶地哼了一声。Mr Haynes shook his head in obvious disgust and walked off.海因斯先生带着明显厌恶的表情摇了摇头,走开了。She sneered at me in disgust.她面带厌恶地讥笑我。Joan looked at him with disgust.琼厌恶地看着他。I couldn't find the words to express my disgust at his actions.我无法用语言来表达我对他所作所为的厌恶。Yvonne turned and stalked out of the room in disgust.伊冯娜转过身,厌恶地大踏步走出了房间。Many have professed disgust at the use of weapons.很多人已经表示反对使用武器。Marion threw down the book in disgust.玛丽昂气愤地扔下了书。He stamped off in disgust.他厌恶地迈着重步走开了。He snorted in disgust.他厌恶地哼了一声。He retreated his chair with intense disgust.他极其厌恶地将椅子往后挪开。As the story unfolded throughout the past week, I experienced the gamut of emotions: shock, anger, sadness, disgust, confusion.上周随着故事情节的展开,我的心情可以说是跌宕起伏:从震惊、气愤、悲伤到憎恶与困惑。I feel nothing but disgust for the whole process.我觉得整个过程令人作呕。I can only express absolute disgust that any public official would act in such a dishonest way.政府官员行事竟然如此不诚实,对此我只能表示十分的厌恶。My immediate reaction was just disgust.我当时的第一反应就是反感。She told him that her first reaction was disgust.她告诉他自己的第一反应是厌恶。




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