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词汇 all of a
例句 The way he decided to leave all of a sudden didn't make any sense.他这样突然决定离去让人难以理解。The architecture here is all of a piece.这里的建筑千篇一律。I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when all of a sudden some man started yelling at me.我正专心沿街散步,突然有人开始朝我大喊。A trader with a corner owns all of a commodity.垄断商人全面控制某一类商品。Peter was coming round for dinner and I was all of a flutter.彼得要来吃晚饭,我既紧张又兴奋。This latest action is all of a piece with his previous behaviour.他最近的这一举措与先前的行为并无二致。He was all of a tremble before the examination.临考时他紧张万分。We waited and waited, then all of a sudden we saw a sail on the horizon.我们等了又等,突然看到地平线上出现了一艘帆船。His eyes all of a sudden lost their customary sparkle.他的眼睛一下子失去了往日的神采。It seemed terribly funny all of a sudden.突然间这似乎好笑极了。One bad harvest could wipe out all of a grower's profits for the previous two years.一次歉收可能会将种植者前两年的收益全部抵消掉。She's been all of a twitter since her daughter's engagement.自从女儿订婚以来,她一直很兴奋。I was walking down the street when, all of a sudden, it started raining.我在街上行走时突然下起了雨。They were going like gangbusters, then all of a sudden everything went wrong.他们正干得起劲,然后突然间一切都乱了套。It seemed to happen all of a sudden - I felt dizzy and I just collapsed.一切似乎都发生得很突然——我觉得头晕,然后就晕倒了。She's all of a doodah about the wedding arrangements.婚礼的筹备让她晕头转向。He was struck all of a heap when he heard of their generosity to him.听到他们对他如此慷慨仁慈,他给搞糊涂了。The feelings that smothered burst all of a sudden.被抑制的感情一下子爆发了。We roused up from sleep when the train stopped all of a sudden.火车突然停车,把我们从睡眠中搅醒。Life seemed all of a sudden empty and meaningless.生活突然显得一片空虚,毫无意义。The rooms are all of a piece with furnishings and fittings matching.房间的家具和配套设备都是一模一样的。He became serious all of a sudden.他突然严肃起来。Why is she being so nice to everyone all of a sudden? She's obviously got a guilty conscience about something.她为什么突然之间对大家都这么好?显然她心里有什么事觉得内疚。There is no chance at all of a happy issue.绝无可能获得圆满的结局。You've changed your tune all of a sudden! Only yesterday you were saying you thought Christmas presents were a waste of money.你态度变得真快!昨天你还在说你认为买圣诞礼物是浪费金钱的。He'd been in a coma for weeks, when all of a sudden he flickered an eyelid.他已经昏迷几个星期了,突然他的眼皮动了一下。The ship blew up all of a sudden and plopped under.那船突然发生爆炸,扑通一声沉没了。He sprang out of the room all of a sudden.他一下子蹦出屋子。His hair and eyes and skin were all of a gingery colour.他的头发、眼睛和皮肤都是姜色的。The dog made at me all of a sudden.狗突然向我扑来。The poor fellow was all of a shake when I told him the news.我告诉他那个消息时,那可怜家伙直打哆嗦。It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.我突然想起,我把她的生日给忘了。The play is all of a piece, and thoroughly at ease within its own limitations.全剧浑然一体,虽有本身的种种局限但还是舒展自如。




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