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词汇 discarded
例句 Words that obscure the truth must be discarded.必须屏弃混淆真相的词语。He discarded an old hat and an old pair of shoes.他扔掉了一顶旧帽子和一双旧鞋。Hundreds of ideas had been tried and discarded during two years of brainstorming.在两年的集思广益期间,已经有上百种设想方案被一一尝试又放弃。A child had become trapped in a refrigerator discarded in a vacant lot.一名小孩被困在一台弃置在空地上的电冰箱里。His ideas were discarded like worthless garbage.他的想法像毫无价值的垃圾一样被弃置不用。Older managers have been discarded in favour / favor of younger people.年龄较大的管理人员已遭弃用,由年轻一些的接手。The gang discarded their weapons after the attack.这帮歹徒在这次袭击后丢弃了武器。Sabrina has discarded her habitual boilersuit and is arrayed in black mini and tights.萨布丽娜脱下平日穿的工作服,换上了黑色的超短裙和连裤袜。He considered starting the engine to warm the car but discarded the notion.他想启动发动机使汽车里暖和一些,可又放弃了这个念头。The police believe that the fire was started by a discarded cigarette.警方认为火灾是由一根乱丢的香烟引起的。These ideas have now been completely discarded.这些观念现在已经完全被抛弃了。The fire is believed to have been started by a carelessly discarded cigarette.据信,这场火灾是一个随意丢弃的香烟头引起的。Bycatch can be kept and landed as part of the commercial catch or discarded.混获物可以留下并作为商业渔获的一部分,或者可丢弃。A discarded cigarette sparked a small brush fire.一个乱扔的烟头引起了一场小小的灌木丛火灾。Once these underlings had served their turn, the king discarded them.一旦这些无名小卒没有用了,国王就会把他们一脚踢开。He discarded the dregs of his coffee.他倒掉了咖啡渣。He tossed the discarded wrapping down the chute.他将丢弃的包装材料扔下垃圾槽。He discarded his club losers on the established spades in dummy.他利用明手已立的黑桃扔出手里的梅花废牌。The next player discarded a club.下一个牌手打出一张梅花。The fire is believed to have been started by a carelessly discarded cigarette.据信,这场大火是由一个随手丢弃的烟头引发的。If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, it should be discarded and replaced.过滤器如果已被机油浸透,则应丢弃并换上新的。Many of his original theories have been discarded in recent years.他许多有独到见解的理论在近年来已被人们抛弃。They live in ramshackle huts constructed of discarded building materials.他们住在用废弃建筑材料搭建的小破屋中。She discarded the six of hearts.她丢出红桃六。Rose quickly discarded the idea.露丝很快抛弃了这种想法。She discarded old beliefs.她抛弃了旧有的信仰。




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