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词汇 directly
例句 Most blinds can be fixed directly to the top of the window-frame.大多数窗帘都可直接安装在窗框上边。The chemical is directly responsible for those deaths.这种化学物质直接导致了那些人的死亡。Loss of weight is directly proportional to the rate at which the disease is progressing.体重减轻的幅度与病情加重的程度成正比。The second rainbow will be bigger than the first, and directly above it.第二道彩虹将比第一道还要大,并且正好位于其上。You can superimpose the lettering directly onto one of your pictures.你可以把这些文字直接叠印在你的一张照片上。For safety's sake, never stand directly behind a horse.为安全起见,千万别站在马的正后方。Jeff has a job in mind, but refuses to say directly what it is.杰夫心里想到一份工作,但是不肯直截了当地说出来。He never addressed her directly.他从不直接跟她讲话。They left directly the money arrived.钱一到手他们就离开了。The news station has two mobile television units for reporting news directly from where events happen.这家新闻电台有两辆电视采访车用于直接从现场播报新闻。The door opens directly onto the street.门正对着街道。Families reported widespread hardship directly related to absentee or alcoholic fathers.许多家庭都反映与父亲弃家不归或酗酒有直接联系的困难。Skills cannot be transferred directly from a trainer to a trainee.技术无法直接从培训师转给受训者。She drove directly to school.她开车直接去学校。She suddenly wheeled and looked directly at me.她突然转过来看着我。One of the characters addresses the audience directly throughout the play.剧中有个人物自始至终都在直接对观众说话。Theyt were forced to negotiate directly with the rebels.他们被迫同叛乱者直接谈判。That path leads directly to his house.那条小路直接通往他的家。He purchased it directly rather than through an agent.他是直接买的,没有通过代理商。At your first meeting, explain simply and directly what you hope to achieve.初次见面时,要单刀直入地指出你想要达到什么目标。The Treasury has now agreed to ring-fence the money to ensure that it goes directly towards helping elderly people.财政部现在已经同意圈定这笔钱的用途,以保证其直接用于帮助老年人。He bypassed the manager and talked directly to the owner.他越过经理直接与店主谈话。The bus stops directly opposite.公交车停在正对面。I'll be with you directly I've finished this letter.我一写完这封信就来。He was hit directly in the back.他的后背被直接打中。I came directly I got your message.我得到你的消息后立刻就来了。He refused to answer the question directly.他拒绝直接回答这个问题。The drug works more quickly if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.该药品如果直接注射进血流里,见效会更快。I was hesitant about approaching the boss directly.我在犹豫是不是直接去找老板。We looked up and saw a helicopter hovering directly above us.我们抬起头,看到一架直升机就在我们头顶上盘旋。The store's croissants are imported directly from France.这家商店的羊角面包是直接从法国进口的。Let me answer that question directly.让我来坦率地回答那个问题吧。His political views are directly opposed to mine.他的政治观点与我的截然相反。The naked bulb was directly over his head.裸露的灯泡正好在他的头顶上方。We can save money by cutting out the middleman and ordering our supplies directly from the manufacturer.我们可以不通过经纪人,直接从厂家订货,这样就能够节约资金。A dense volley of missiles was fired directly at the ship.一排密集的导弹直接射向那艘轮船。His actions seemed directly opposed to the values of the company.他的所作所为似乎完全背离了公司的行为准则。The new claim is directly contrary to what was originally stated.新的说法与最初的说法截然相反。His views are directly opposed to mine.他的见解和我的截然相反。She returned directly.她一会儿就回来了。




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