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词汇 dipped
例句 Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar.用半个柠檬蘸上盐和醋。Clean with a soft cloth dipped in warm soapy water.用一块蘸过温肥皂水的软布来清洁。The bright sun dipped low over the city.耀眼的太阳低垂在城市上空。She dipped her finger in the water to see if it's hot.她把手指浸入水中,看水热不热。The painter dipped his brush into the paint.画家拿画笔蘸颜料。The road dipped and we picked up speed.由于变成了下坡路,我们的速度变快了。He dipped in his pocket for money.他从口袋里掏钱。He dipped his hand in the water.他把手浸入水中。Profits dipped slightly last year.去年利润略有降低。She dipped into her purse for money.她在钱包中掏钱。Emily dipped her toes in the water and squealed.埃米莉把脚趾浸了一下水便尖叫起来。Use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to disinfect the area.用棉签蘸酒精给这里消毒。She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write.她将羽毛笔在墨水里蘸了一下,随后开始书写。Noah dipped his fries in the ketchup,诺厄把薯条在番茄酱里蘸了蘸。Public support for the project has dipped sharply.公众对这个项目的支持率已急剧下降。Brown dipped in his memory for the young man's name.布朗在记忆中搜索那个青年的名字。The boat dipped below the surface of the water.这条船沉入水下。He dipped his headlights as they came up behind a slow-moving van.当他们靠近一辆缓慢行驶的货车时,他把汽车前灯调成了近光。We all dipped into the box of chocolates.我们都伸手到盒子里去取巧克力。The road dipped and rose again.道路陡然沉下去又升上来。The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped.由于路面有坡度,那辆车的冲力越来越大。She took a can of paint and dipped her brush in it.她取出一罐油漆,将刷子在里面蘸了蘸。Retail sales dipped 6/10ths of a percent last month, largely because Americans were buying fewer cars.上月零售额下降了千分之六,主要是因为美国人买汽车少了。She broke off a bit of bread and dipped it in the soup.她掰下一小块面包,在汤里浸了一下。He dipped into his knowledge of history to reconsider the present political situation.他利用自己的历史知识重新审视当前的政治形势。Joe dipped his head towards her for a quick kiss.乔朝她低下头,很快地吻了她一下。She dipped the material into the dye.她把布料浸在染料中。He dipped his headlights as they came into town.他们进入市区时,他把汽车前灯调成了近光。He dipped his finger in the water.他把手指浸入水中。He dipped into medicine a few years ago.他在几年前曾涉猎过一阵医学。The cook dipped from a kettle of soup.厨子从汤锅舀汤。She dipped the blouse into the hot water.她把罩衫浸入热水中。She dipped a hand into the jar of sweets and pulled one out.她把手伸进糖果罐,摸出了一颗糖。I dipped my finger in the sauce and licked it.我用指头蘸了蘸酱,舔了一下。The sun dipped below the horizon.太阳落到了地平线下。I have only dipped into this book.这本书我只浏览了一下。We dipped our toes into the water to see how cold it was.我们把脚尖浸到水里看看有多凉。Temperatures dipped to -10?C last night.昨晚气温降到了零下十摄氏度。Gasoline prices have dipped again.汽油价格再次下跌。The plane suddenly dipped.飞机骤降后上升。




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