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词汇 dimensions
例句 Using contrasting colours will highlight the shape and dimensions of your room.用对比色会突出你房间的形状与大小。To Olga it seemed that she alone was a real person, in three dimensions.奥尔加觉得似乎只有她一人才是立体的真实的人。He considers the dimensions of the problem.他考虑了问题的严重程度。The political dimensions of the incident are clear.该事件的政治前因后果显而易见。The elements of identification have multiple dimensions.元素的身份标识有多个维度。It is important to measure the exact dimensions of the room.准确丈量房间的尺寸很重要。Then, you can define the measures and dimensions in the monitoring model.然后,您需要在监视模型中定义这些测量和维度。What are the dimensions of the dining-room table?餐桌的长宽高是多少?I don't think it would spoil the dimensions of the room.我不认为它会破坏房间的大小。What are the dimensions of this table?这张桌子的长宽高各是多少?Use a steel tape measure to measure the dimensions of the room.使用钢卷尺测量房间尺寸。We underestimated the dimensions of this problem.我们低估了这个问题的严重性。The dimensions of the market collapse were not anticipated.股市崩盘的严重程度是出乎意料的。Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield.该处的钻探工作将继续下去,以便估测新油田的面积。The dimensions of the market collapse were certainly not anticipated.股市崩盘的严重程度的确是没有预料到的。These bolts elastically deform and return to their original dimensions when loosened.这些螺栓有弹性,受压时变形,松开时又恢复原状。The room's dimensions were surprisingly small.这房间的面积小得出奇。The drawing gives the dimensions of the room.这张图标示了房间的大小。What are the dimensions of the box?这个盒子的尺寸是多少? Despite the unit's compact dimensions, there's still plenty of room for expansion.虽然这个单元的面积不大,但仍有很大的扩展空间。The dimensions are printed on the side of the box.尺寸印在盒子的侧面。A hologram represents an object in three dimensions.全息图显示物体的三维立体图像。The compact dimensions make the car seem like it is going faster than its actual speed.小巧的尺寸使这辆车的行车速度看起来快于实际车速。The dimensions of this problem are immense.这个问题非常严重。The dimensions of velocity are length divided by time.速度的量纲是长度除以时间。The planetarium's dome was designed to display data in three dimensions.天象仪的穹顶设计是用来在三维空间显示数据的。No one realized the dimensions of his problems.没有人意识到他的问题有多么严重。I had already paced out the dimensions of my new home.我早就步测出我新家的大小了。His personality has several dimensions.他是个有多重性格的人。Can we just check the dimensions of the bedroom again?我们能否再量一下卧室的尺寸 ?There are many dimensions to the problem.这个问题包括很多方面。The social/political/religious dimensions of the problem must also be taken into account.这个问题的社会/政治/宗教因素也必须考虑在内。The dimensions of the difficulty have not yet been fully realized.困难的严重程度尚未被充分认识。In looking at population ageing we will consider two distinct dimensions.我们将从两个截然不同的角度来看人口老龄化问题。A line has one dimension and a square has two dimensions.直线是一维的,正方形是二维的。Physicists propose that any dimensions beyond time and visible space are folded up and out of sight.物理学家认为所有超过时间和空间的维度都折叠起来,靠肉眼是看不见的。I'll work in clay, sculpturing a model to get all the dimensions.我要用黏土塑造一个模型以获得所有的尺寸。A diagram represents things in only two dimensions.图表只能二维地展现事物。There are regional dimensions to the conflict.这一冲突有地区性因素。We'll need to know the exact dimensions of the room.我们需要知道这个房间的确切尺寸。




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