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词汇 differ
例句 It didn't seem right that I should differ with him.我与他存在分歧似乎不太合适。His ideas differ little from those of his father.他的想法与他父亲没有多少差别。Their styles differ.他们的风格迥异。In what ways do British and Australian culture differ?英国和澳大利亚的文化有哪些地方不同?The various species differ mainly in size and abundance.各种物种主要在规模和数量上有所不同。Experts differ about the precise cause of the condition.专家对导致这种情况的确切原因看法不一。Our tastes differ from each other.我们的嗜好不同。In the end we agreed to differ.最后我们同意保留各自的意见。The two sides still differ over details of the plan.在计划的细节上,双方仍持不同意见。The problems the Chinese face differ importantly from those facing Africa.中国人面临的问题与非洲面临的问题有显著差别。I respect Andrew's reasons for holding that view, but nevertheless I beg to differ.我尊重安德鲁持那种观点的种种原因,但恕我不能苟同。I never differ with your plans.我从来没有对你的计划提出异议。All politicians agree that inflation must be beaten but they differ over methods of achieving this.所有的政治家都认为必须遏制通货膨胀,但对于怎么样去做,他们各持己见。Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.从外表上来看,有机农作物同传统农作物没有太大的区别。I tried to make them agree to differ.我试图使他们求同存异。How does the new program differ from the old one?新节目与旧节目的差异何在?The two plans differ in one major respect.这两个计划在一个主要方面有所不同。Scientists differ as to whether the giant panda belongs to the bear or panda family.关于大熊猫究竟属于熊科还是熊猫科,科学家意见不一致。Wealthy individual investors, known as angels, differ from lenders in that they want a stake in your business.个体出资人是富裕的个人,跟放贷人不同,他们希望在所投资公司获得一定股份。Idiomatic and spoken phrases tend to differ widely throughout the country.全国各地的一些习惯用语及口语说法有很大的差异。Opinions on various social questions differ from person to person.有关各种社会问题的意见因人而异。Cure rates did not differ statistically between the two groups.两组人群的治愈率在统计数字上没有区别。The symptoms did not differ between the two groups.这两组之间的症状没有区别。These results differ somewhat from those reported by previous studies.这些结果与先前公布的研究结果稍有不同。The TV and movie incarnations of the story differ significantly.这个故事的电视版本和电影版本有很大区别。British and American spellings differ in many ways.英国英语和美国英语的拼写有很多不同。There are many different methods which are similar in spirit but differ in implementation details.有各种不同的方法本质上是相似的,但具体操作不同。The products differ widely in quality.这些产品的质量相差很大。Conditions of employment differ according to the type of company you are working for.雇用条件因供职公司的不同而有差异。They differ in size but not in kind.它们大小不一但本质相同。The two parties differ on all the major issues.在所有主要的问题上双方意见都不统一。Opinions on the subject differ greatly.在这一话题上意见迥然不同。The two of us differ as to how we should spend our holidays.关于如何度假,我俩意见分歧。Other cultures’ beliefs about the origins of disease often differ from our own.其他文化对于疾病起因的看法往往和我们的文化不一样。States differ in standards for products and the labelling thereof.各州的产品标准不同,其标签也不同。The programmes differ in degree and emphasis rather than ideology.这些方案的区别在于程度和重点,而非意识形态方面。Opinions differ widely on this issue.对这个问题的看法存在很大的分歧。Methods used by younger teachers differ significantly from those used by older ones.年轻教师所用的方法和老教师的方法有很大的差别。Modern cars differ from early ones in many ways.现代汽车在很多方面不同于早期汽车。Their attitudes to religion differ from ours.他们对宗教的态度与我们不同。




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