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词汇 diesel
例句 The tractor operates on diesel oil.拖拉机用柴油开动。The car runs on diesel.这辆车是烧柴油的。The machine runs on diesel fuel.这部机器靠柴油运转。Steam trains were gradually superseded by diesel engines.蒸汽火车逐渐被柴油机车所取代。The above diagram shows a diesel car engine.上图显示的是一部汽车柴油机。His truck's a diesel.他的卡车是柴油车。The engine runs on diesel.这款发动机使用柴油。The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see.空气中充斥着柴油烟雾和煤尘粉末,黑乎乎的,我几乎什么都看不见。The diesel model is slightly more expensive.柴油车型稍贵些。The diesel fumes from the buses are not easily ignored.公共汽车排放的柴油发动机尾气很难视而不见。The steam locomotive has been superseded by the diesel locomotive.蒸汽火车被柴油火车取代了。The air was black with diesel fumes and coal dust.空气中充斥着黑乎乎的柴油烟和煤灰。Our car's a diesel.我们的车是柴油车。A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.一股柴油从一个阀门中喷射出来,另一个阀门中则没有喷出任何东西。These buses run on diesel.这些公共汽车烧柴油。Black cabs run on diesel.黑色的出租车使用柴油。Pungent diesel fumes poured from the back of the truck.刺鼻的柴油烟味从卡车后面滚滚而来。For next year, the company will offer three cars with turbocharged diesel engines in the United States.明年,该公司将在美国推出三款涡轮增压的柴油发动机汽车。Does your car take diesel or gasoline?你的车用柴油还是汽油?I drank a cup of tea that tasted of diesel.我喝了杯有股柴油味的茶。She put diesel fuel, instead of petrol, into the tank causing the motor to seize up.她往油箱里加了些柴油而不是汽油,致使发动机发生故障。They connected an array of sensors to a diesel engine and monitored its performance while burning regular diesel fuel.他们给柴油机连接了一排传感器,并监测其燃烧普通柴油时的情况。A large diesel tank leaked its contents into the river.一个大柴油罐里的油漏进了河里。Buses and trucks are usually powered by diesel engines.公共汽车和卡车通常是由柴油机驱动的。The tractor is powered by a diesel engine.这台曳引机是用柴油机发动的。Steam locomotives were superseded by diesel.蒸汽机车被内燃机车取代了。My car takes diesel and my wife's runs on petrol.我的车烧柴油,我妻子的车用汽油。The machine runs off diesel fuel.这台机器用柴油运转。The tractor and trailer were jackknifed by the diesel.牵引车和挂车被那辆柴油车撞得弯折了。A large diesel tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river.一个大型柴油罐的柴油莫名其妙地泄漏到河里去了。This model is powered by a diesel engine.这一型号由柴油机驱动。We already have the cleanest diesel fuel in the world.我们已经拥有世界上最清洁的柴油。As regards pollution, old diesel-engined vehicles are the worst offenders.说到污染,旧式的柴油车是罪魁祸首。




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