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词汇 die
例句 The conductor waited for the applause to die down before signalling for the orchestra to begin.指挥等待掌声平息下去才示意乐队开始演奏。Such prejudices die hard.这些偏见难以根除。Such prejudices die hard.这些偏见很难消除。The apartment has a view to die for. 从公寓向外看,风景美极了。It is do-or-die for the team.这是球队的生死关头。Forrester waited for the laughter to die down, then carried on with his speech.福里斯特等到笑声渐渐平息下去后再继续演讲。Contrary to the more alarmist reports, he is not going to die.他没有报道里说的那么严重,不会死的。What if he was going to die!.如果他快要死了该怎么办?Cigarettes have been considered as a form of carcinogen for years. Millions of people die from smoking each year.香烟早就被认为是一种致癌物,每年都会有数百万人死于吸烟。The publisher says this character must not die and the book should end on an upbeat.出版者说这个人物不能死,这本书应当以皆大欢喜为结局。Let us make sure that these brave men and women did not die for nothing.我们绝不会让这些勇士们白白牺牲。To see his only son die young was gall and wormwood to the old man.看到独子夭折,老人十分痛苦。They have sung him and he will die.他们已经对他念下咒语,他会死的。Sadly, bamboo plants die after flowering.可惜的是,竹子开花后便会死的。We humans are the only animals who are burdened with the knowledge that we're going to die.人类是唯一因为知道自己会死而烦恼的动物。It is well documented that men die younger than women.有充分文献证实了男人比女人死得早。I'd die before I'd tell.我宁死也决不会说出来。How can we send our young men off to distant lands to die in foreign wars?我们怎么可以把自己的青年送往遥远的国度去死在外国战争中呢?Not many of my patients die on me.我的病人在我当班时死亡的并不多。From the moment the negotiations failed, the die was cast and war was inevitable.谈判失败之时就大局已定,战争已经不可避免了。The memory of what they did shall not be allowed to die.他们的事迹值得人们永远铭记。Police fear more women will die as the killer becomes more brazen.杀手变得越来越肆无忌惮,警方担忧会有更多的妇女被害。I would sooner die than be enslaved.我宁死也不愿意被奴役。A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.那片区域里的大部分海豚终将死去。Everyone wants to be a hero, but no one wants to die.每个人都想成为英雄,但没有人想死。Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die.彼拉多宣判将他钉在十字架上处死。Dinner was nothing special, but the dessert was to die for.晚饭没什么特别的,但是饭后的甜点极好吃。Please sign this form if you would like to donate your organs when you die.如果您愿意死后捐献器官,请签署这张表格。He is scheduled to die in the electric chair this week in Texas.他将于本周在德克萨斯州被送上电椅处死。His girlfriend is in denial, and refuses to admit that he will soon die.他的女友拒不接受事实,不肯相信他很快就要死了。He alleges that the orphanages have allowed children to die from medical neglect.他指控孤儿院不让儿童就医,任由他们生病死亡。Betty's strawberry cheesecake is simply to-die-for.贝蒂的草莓奶酪蛋糕好吃极了。It is better to die oneself than to kill.宁可自亡,不可行凶。What reck they whether they live or die?他们对于生死还有什么顾虑呢?Some psychic charlatan convinced her she was going to die in six months.有个假充有通灵术的骗子使她相信自己将于六个月内死去。How did the dinosaurs die out?.恐龙是如何灭绝的?It was the explorer's fate to die lost and alone.那个探险家死不见尸、死无所依,这是命中注定的。The moment had come to make a break or die.那个时候不跑就没命了。Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week.肺细胞约每周新老更替一次。Everyone knew that Hubert was as straight as a die.大家都知道休伯特绝对诚实。




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