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词汇 dictatorship
例句 Every country in the region was a military dictatorship.该地区的所有国家都是军事独裁国家。This is just the start of a slippery slope that ends with dictatorship.危险仅仅是初见端倪,最终将走向独裁。Her fearless opposition to the military dictatorship has won admiration from around the world.她大胆反抗军事独裁统治,这使她赢得了各国人民的钦佩。He saw the Minister of Defense instrumental in the formation of a military dictatorship.他明白这位国防部长在军事独裁形成过程中是起了推动作用的。These men had all lived under dictatorship.这些人都曾经生活在独裁统治之下。We are governed, in Lord Hailsham's famous phrase, by an "elective dictatorship".套用一下黑尔什姆勋爵的名言,我们被“选举出来的独裁者”统治着。Various political and religions groups united to oppose the dictatorship.各个政治、宗教团体联合起来反对独裁统治。The political situation here is more akin to dictatorship than democracy.这里的政治情形更像是专制而非民主。During the dictatorship people had come to fear the knock at the door in the middle of the night.独裁时期,人们害怕半夜时会被人从家里抓走。He succeeded to the dictatorship on his father's death.他在父亲死后继任独裁者。The dictatorship has been responsible for countless barbarities.独裁政府对无数的野蛮行径负有责任。The priest remains in hiding after threats by former officials of the ousted dictatorship.受到被驱逐下台的独裁政府官员的威胁后,那个牧师一直藏匿不出。The generals established a military dictatorship.将军们建立了军事独裁统治。Tomorrow is the anniversary of the coup that brought a military dictatorship to power here nine years ago.明天是九年前促使军事独裁在这里上台的那次政变的纪念日。The barbarism of his dictatorship cannot be ignored.他独裁统治时期的暴行不容忽视。They can now establish outright dictatorship.他们现在可以建立起彻头彻尾的独裁制度了。The dictatorship was overthrown after a year of fighting, in which thousands of people were killed.经过一年的斗争,独裁统治被推翻了,有好几千人失去了生命。His enemies accused him of establishing a dictatorship.他的敌人指控他建立了独裁政府。The church was prominently involved in the struggle that toppled the dictatorship.教会在推翻独裁政权的斗争中起了重要的作用。Despite its democratic trappings, the country's government was a dictatorship.尽管打着民主的幌子,这个国家的政府还是独裁政权。The country made/underwent a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy.这个国家实现/经历了从独裁到民主的和平转变。They succeeded in overthrowing the fascist dictatorship.他们成功推翻了法西斯独裁统治。The country was ruled by a brutal dictatorship.这个国家由残忍的独裁政权统治。The whole country had tried to efface the memory of the old dictatorship.整个国家都曾试图将那段独裁历史从记忆中抹去。There is no short cut from dictatorship to democracy.从独裁到民主没有捷径可走。A dictatorship means, by definition, one centre of power.独裁从定义上来说就是权力的集中。Ethiopia's dictatorship was toppled by Eritrean and Ethiopian rebels.埃塞俄比亚的独裁政府被厄立特里亚和埃塞俄比亚的反叛分子颠覆了。Trade unionists had been ruthlessly oppressed during the dictatorship.工联主义者在独裁统治时期受到无情的镇压。The country suffered for many years under his dictatorship.这个国家在他的独裁统治下遭受了多年的痛苦。Well, I think it's important not to confound disaffection with the institutions of democracy with enthusiasm for a dictatorship.这个,我觉得重要的是,不要混淆对民主体制的不满和对独裁统治的热衷。




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