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词汇 dictate
例句 He had warned the West against trying to dictate to the Soviet Union.他警告西方国家不要试图对苏联发号施令。The rules of court dictate that a defendant is entitled to all evidence which may help his case.法庭规定被告可以出示任何对其辩护有帮助的证据。Your parents have no right to dictate how you should spend your money.你父母无权强行规定你该如何花钱。The UN will dictate the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.联合国将决定军队从该地区撤军的条件。Your needs should dictate your choice.你应该根据自己的需要作出选择。They insisted on being able to dictate the terms of surrender.他们坚持由他们来规定投降的条件。He cannot be allowed to dictate what can and cannot be inspected.什么能检查什么不能检查不能由他说了算。What gives them the right to dictate to us what we should eat?.他们有什么权利来规定我们应该吃什么?I have letters to dictate to my secretary before I leave.我在离开前要向秘书口授信件。Why should anyone dictate to parents on how to raise their children?为什么父母要让人对他们怎么养大孩子指手画脚?Circumstances dictate that I should leave this town forever.客观形势决定我应该永远离开这座小镇。The media cannot be allowed to dictate to the government.不能让媒体对政府发号施令。Budget cutbacks will dictate noticeable changes in some areas.削减预算必将促使某些领域发生显著的变化。Landlords can dictate their own conditions when letting.房东在出租房屋时可以强制规定自己的条件。The officers were more or less able to dictate terms to successive governments.这些军官多多少少都能和继任的各届政府谈些条件。Fashion gurus dictate crazy ideas such as squeezing oversized bodies into tight trousers.时尚专家提出的疯狂想法,例如把肥胖的身体塞进紧身裤里。Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.当然,影响一棵苹果树寿命的因素有很多。The laws of physics dictate that what goes up must come down.物理定律决定了上升的物体一定会落下。What right has one country to dictate the environmental standards of another?.一个国家有什么权力强行给另一个国家制定环境标准?The IMF should not dictate how Mexico should run its monetary policies.国际货币基金组织不该对墨西哥的货币政策硬作规定。The Executive has no desire to dictate to people how they should live.行政当局不想对人民的生活方式指手画脚。




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