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词汇 device
例句 The surgeon controls the device remotely using a computer terminal.这位外科医生用电脑终端对设备进行遥控。Repetition is a common rhetorical device.重复是种常见的修辞手法。A radar-like device will detect ice and dust hazes in the atmosphere.一台雷达似的装置将探测大气中形成雾霾的冰晶和灰尘。This procedure uses a device to widen the arteries.这项手术是用仪器使动脉扩张。The device plugs into one of the laptop's USB ports.这个设备可以插入到笔记本电脑的一个通用串行总线接口。Flemma said that a reliable mechanical device was needed for the thousands of patients who die while awaiting human heart transplants.弗莱玛说有成千上万的病人在等待做心脏移植手术时死去了,因此需要一台性能可靠的机械设备。The device displaces the air inside the container.这个装置可排出容器内的空气。He measured the room using an ingenious new electronic device.他用一种设计精巧的新式电子仪器测量房间。France is expected to detonate its first nuclear device in the next few days.法国预计将在几天后引爆其首枚核装置。For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.在那天余下的时间里,他继续组装爆炸装置。We believe that an explosive device had been left inside a container.我们认为有一个爆炸装置被留在了一只集装箱里。The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.一只普通的手柄就可以手动操作这个装置。He used every device possible to prevent inspectors from entering the premises.他用尽一切可能的手段阻止检查员进入工作场所。This is a device for squaring the circle.这是一个不可能实现的方案。The device automatically kicks in after a short time to save power.短暂省电之后,该设备会自动开启。The device was thrown at an army patrol but failed to explode.这个装置投向了陆军巡逻队,但没有爆炸。The planes are fitted with a device that absorbs enemy radar signals.飞机上安装了一个吸收敌方雷达信号的装置。The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure.该内置式安全装置在水压下降时能提供保护。The burglar used an electronic device to circumvent the alarm.窃贼用一个电子装置使警铃失效。For the uninitiated, let me explain how this device works.我仅向无此专业知识的人说明这个设备的工作原理。Many companies are combining rapidly converging communication technology into one device that can act as a phone, take photographs, and send e-mail.许多公司迅速联合起来,共同研发将通信技术融合进集电话、相机和电子信箱为一体的设备。A computer is a device for processing information.计算机是信息处理设备。You need a decoding device to unscramble some of the signals sent out by satellite and cable TV.你需要一个解码器来复原由卫星和有线电视发出的某些信号。The fire was started by an incendiary bomb/device.这场大火是由燃烧弹/装置引起的。The device, with the flick of a switch, can function as a radio.只要轻按开关,该装置就可以当收音机用。This device monitors room temperature and humidity.这个仪器用来监测房间的温度和湿度。The device sends the fish to the bottom of the pond, well out of harm's way.这个装置可以把鱼赶入池底,远离危险。Using powerful lasers, the device can incapacitate enemy radar systems.这种装置使用了强大的激光,能破坏敌人的雷达系统。She used every device to steal John's money.她用尽一切方法去骗约翰的钱。The device exploded, throwing Mr Taylor from his car.那个装置爆炸了,把泰勒先生从车里抛了出去。By a subtle device, the thief gained access to the vault.贼用巧妙的手段潜进了金库。My teenage daughter wears a special device at night to correct her bite.我十几岁的女儿每天晚上都戴一种特殊仪器来矫正咬合。The device gives cold batteries a zap of energy to bring them back to life.这种设备给低温下的电池注入电流,使其恢复功用。The device works by bouncing sound waves off objects and measuring the time it takes for the sound to return.这个装置的工作原理是让声波碰到物体反弹,然后测定声音返回所需的时间。This elaborate device seems foolproof.这一精心制作的装置看来不会出毛病。A homing device guides the missile to the target.自导装置引导导弹接近目标。The car's security device will immobilize the ignition system.这辆汽车的安全装置能使点火系统停止工作。The camera has a built-in fail-safe device which prevents it from working if the right signals aren't received.摄像机有内置自动防故障装置,该装置确保摄像机在未接到正确信号时不会启动。The device renders the system insensitive to vibration.这个装置导致系统对振动反应迟钝。An anti-theft device is installed in the vehicle.车中安装了防盗装置。




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