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词汇 developed
例句 Many words have developed more than one meaning. 许多单词现在已有多种含义。The Internet has developed at a remarkable rate.互联网的发展速度很惊人。Gorillas, chimpanzees, and gibbons are all anthropoid apes, having long arms, no tails, and highly developed brains.大猩猩、黑猩猩和长臂猿都是类人猿,都有着很长的前肢、高度发达的大脑,且没有尾巴。They quickly developed a hatred for a society which subjected them to ridicule.他们很快对这个令他们遭到嘲弄的社会生出一种恨意。When her family moved to Hollywood, she developed a liking for movie magazines and film culture.自从她家搬到好莱坞之后,她渐渐爱上了电影杂志和电影文化。I developed a blister on my thumb.我的拇指上起了个水疱。Conveniently, he had developed amnesia about that part of his life.他刻意遗忘了那段生活。As a child, Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits.在孩提时代,柯尔律治就养成了广泛阅读的习惯。He developed an alternative design for the new engine.他设计了一款非传统的新型发动机。They have developed a computerized system that will greatly assist all library users.他们开发了一种计算机系统,将大大帮助图书馆的所有使用者。Compensation is available for people who have developed asthma as a direct result of their work.直接因工作原因患上哮喘的人会获得赔偿。We risked becoming the laughing stock of the developed world.我们冒着沦为发达世界笑柄的风险。He quickly developed a good rapport with the other teachers.他迅速与其他教师建立了友好关系。I developed a temporary allergy to the company of couples.我一时间很反感和情侣们在一起。In a short time, the town developed into a city.小镇不久就发展成了城市。We haven't had the film developed yet.我们还没冲洗胶卷。The facts of what had happened slowly developed over the next several days.所发生的事在接下来的几天里逐渐真相大白。Many people seem to have developed a sense of fatalism about the war.很多人似乎对这场战争已抱着听天由命的态度了。He developed a severe headache and felt very sick by day three.到了第三天,他头痛得厉害,而且觉得非常恶心。A spin-out company from Aberdeen University has developed a novel eye-movement test to help in the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders.一家从阿伯丁大学分拆出来的公司开发了一种新的眼动检测用以协助精神病诊断。He developed nervous problems after people began repeatedly correcting him.人们开始不停地纠正他的错误,之后他的神经就出现了问题。Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship.和他们同龄的德国人有着更强烈的公民归属感。Because the threat never developed, we didn't need to take any real counter-measures.威胁从未加剧,因此我们无需采取任何实际的应对措施。Over the years the two men had developed deep bonds of friendship.多年来这两个人之间培养起了一种深深的友谊关系。The developed nations have to recognize the growing gap between rich and poor around the world.发达国家务必认识到世界范围内贫富差距正在不断扩大。He had developed a feeling for when not to disturb her.他已经逐渐意识到什么时候不要去打扰她。A row developed following the chairman's remarks.主席讲话之后人们吵了起来。Richard developed a raging headache and had to lie down.理查德头痛得厉害,不得不躺下。The idea of weather forecasting developed incredibly quickly.天气预报概念的发展速度快得令人难以置信。Over millions of years, some of the reptiles developed razor-sharp teeth.有些爬行动物经过数百万年的进化长出了尖利的牙齿。Many cancer patients are pinning their hopes on a new drug that is now being developed.许多癌症病人正寄希望于一种正在研制中的新药。It's only by looking backwards that we can understand how these rivalries developed.只有通过回顾过去我们才能理解这些对抗行为是怎样产生的。He developed a musical interest early on.他在早年就对音乐产生了兴趣。They have developed a real camaraderie after working together for so long.一起工作那么久之后,他们建立起了真正的同事情谊。Towns developed along this trade route hundreds of years ago.几百年前就有城市沿着这条商路发展起来。Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight.争论突然演变成实实在在的打斗。Housing finance is less developed in continental Europe.住房金融业在欧洲大陆的发展程度较低。The younger plant has a less developed root system.幼年植物的根系不太发达。I developed an abscess on my neck.我脖子上长了个脓包。The patient later developed a cough.病人后来出现咳嗽。




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