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词汇 detectives
例句 The detectives dug into his past and learned that he had once lived in another country.侦探们调查了他的过去,发现他曾在另一个国家生活过。The man was released after questioning by detectives.那名男子接受警探盘问之后就被放走了。Homicide detectives interviewed everyone in the apartment building.重案组侦探约谈了公寓大楼里的每一个人。After several telephone calls, detectives traced two witnesses to the accident.打了几个电话后,侦探们找到了事故的两个目击者。Through a process of deduction, the detectives discovered the identity of the killer.经过一番仔细推断,警探们搞清了杀手的身份。Two plain-clothes detectives lingered by the doorways.两个便衣侦探在门口徘徊。A health club is currently under investigation by Boston detectives.波士顿的侦探们正在调查一家健康俱乐部。A team of detectives is scouring the area for the murder weapon.一队警探正在该地区搜查杀人的凶器。These detectives won't stop digging until they find out what happened.在查明真相之前,这些侦探是不会停止寻找信息的。It is understood that detectives were acting on a tip-off.不言而喻,侦探是根据密告采取行动的。Local detectives have ruled out foul play.当地的侦探已排除了谋杀的可能性。A man is being questioned by detectives in connection with the murder of a young girl.一名男子正因一位少女被杀之事接受侦探的审问。A firm of detectives produced a dossier on his activities.一家侦探所提供了有关他活动的档案。Murder squad detectives approached the man and placed him under arrest.凶杀侦破组警探靠近那名男子,将其逮捕。She is shadowed by detectives wherever she goes.她走到哪里都有警探跟踪。I hear they use detectives to snoop on employees.我听说他们雇用侦探探听雇员的私生活。In this movie, it's a battle of wits as the bank robbers try to outsmart the city's detectives.在这部影片中,银行劫匪想要智胜城市侦探,双方展开了一场智斗。Almost all fictional detectives are unreal.几乎所有小说中的侦探都是虚构的。He hired private detectives to trace her.他雇了私人侦探跟踪她。The police had planted undercover detectives at every entrance.警方在每个入口处都安插了密探。Two detectives were trailing him.两个侦探正在追踪他。The detectives found his prints on the wine glass.侦探在酒杯上发现了他的指纹。He left a note at the scene of the crime, challenging detectives to catch him.他在作案现场留下字条,挑衅侦探们去抓他。The women refused to cooperate with store detectives, and we had to send for the police.那些妇女拒绝与商店保安人员合作,我们只得去叫警察来。A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.新调来一组侦探重新进行调查。He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives.他偷偷地瞄了一下两名侦探面无表情的脸孔。Austin was questioned at length by detectives.奥斯汀被侦探们讯问了好长时间。Those detectives have been poking about here.那些侦探一直在这儿附近打听。They had her watched by detectives.他们把她置于侦探的监视之下。Other detectives told him he might not receive police backup on the street.其他侦探告诉他,他在街上可能不会得到警力增援。She hired a firm of private detectives to follow him.她雇了一家私人侦探社跟踪他。Hawk-eyed store detectives stood by the doors.目光锐利的店探站在门旁。The detectives hashed out their theories about who committed the murder.侦探们谈起了他们各自对谁是凶手的推测。Solving violent crimes is all in a day's work for these police detectives.处置暴力犯罪是这些警探日常工作的一部分。The detectives tried to dope out why the man was murdered.侦探们试图搞清那人被害的原因。He was arrested by plain-clothes detectives as he walked through the customs hall.他穿过海关大厅时被便衣侦探逮捕。Sickened detectives said the old lady was lucky to be alive after such a brutal attack.侦探们很震惊,说老太太遭到这么凶残的袭击还活着真是幸运。The detectives tracked the killer to Arizona.警探们追查那个杀人凶手到亚利桑那州。They clammed up when the detectives started asking questions.侦探开始盘问时,他们便缄默不语了。Store detectives stick out like a sore thumb after a while.不一会儿,店里的侦探就显得很扎眼了。




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