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词汇 destroying
例句 He employed a scorched-earth policy, destroying villages and burning crops.他采取了焦土政策,摧毁了村庄,烧掉了庄稼。Believing yourself to be in the wrong job can be soul-destroying.认为自己入错了行的想法会使人心灰意冷。Bombs fell on the streets, destroying neighbouring homes, but leaving the school intact.炸弹落到街上,炸毁了附近的住房,但学校完好无损。All this backbiting is destroying company morale.背后的这些议论影响着公司的士气。He was fined and suspended by the NBA for destroying a video monitor after a game.他曾因赛后毁坏视频显示器而被美国篮球协会罚款并停赛。She seemed bent on destroying their relationship.她似乎一心要破坏他们的关系。They kept going, destroying one store after another.他们并未停手,摧毁了一家又一家商店。Drug abuse is a cancer that is destroying our society.滥用毒品是正在毁灭我们社会的毒瘤。Rejection is soul-destroying.遭拒是令人沮丧的。That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.那样做肯定会破坏经济、制造混乱。These new crops are making matters worse by destroying traditional agriculture.这些新作物破坏了传统农业,因而使情况更糟糕。They seem bent on destroying the city.他们好像决心要摧毁这座城市。It's sacrilege to even think of destroying that lovely building.那幢美丽的建筑,哪怕是有把它拆除的念头也是不敬。A few minutes later the bomb went off, destroying the vehicle.炸弹几分钟后爆炸,炸毁了那辆车。I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards.通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计,我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。They seemed bent on destroying his career.他们好像决意要毁掉他的前程。We are destroying the planet with our fossil-fuel lifestyle.我们依赖矿物燃料的生活方式正在摧毁地球。Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.滥伐森林毁掉了大面积的热带雨林。They spend all day sticking paper labels on toy cars - it's soul-destroying.他们一天到晚往玩具汽车上贴纸标签—这工作无聊透顶。She seems intent on destroying our credibility. 她似乎一心想要毁掉我们的信誉。The chemical acts by destroying the cells in the brain.这种化学品是通过消灭脑子里的那些细胞起作用的。Man is rapidly destroying the earth.人类正迅速毁灭着地球。They're bent upon destroying the world.他们决意要毁掉世界。Your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river.你的任务是破坏这条河上所有的桥梁,以孤立敌军。These weapons are capable of destroying the entire planet.这些武器足以摧毁整个星球。She was accused of destroying official documents.她被控销毁官方文件。In the interests of humankind we must stop destroying our planet.为了全人类的利益,我们必须停止破坏地球。Going to the unemployment office and having to wait there for hours is a soul-destroying experience.到职业介绍所去并在那里等上数小时会令人感到非常沮丧。The bomb hit, instantly destroying the building.炸弹命中,瞬间摧毁了大楼。My hatred for her is so intense it seems to be destroying me.我对她恨之入骨,都快要无法自拔了。She seemed intent on destroying everything they had built up together.她似乎有意要毁掉他们共同建立的一切。Capitalism is regarded as a poison that is destroying the traditional way of life.资本主义被视作是正在破坏传统生活方式的有害事物。Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.俄罗斯和其他加盟共和国承诺销毁他们储存的大部分核武器。It seems he's destroying himself.他似乎正在毁灭自己。Her mother said the strain was destroying them all.她母亲说极度的紧张把她们全都给毁了。He stands accused of destroying the party in pursuit of his presidential ambitions.他被指责为实现自己当总统的野心而不惜毁灭该党。Some people believe that destroying an embryo is murder.一些人认为,杀死胚胎是谋杀。They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.他们说伐木工人正在毁坏雨林,践踏土著居民的权利。Fighting between the various warring factions was destroying the country.各敌对派系之间的战斗正在毁灭这个国家。The sheer weight of visitors is destroying this tourist attraction.单是游客之多就会毁掉这个旅游胜地。




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