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词汇 鼓励学生
例句 They were encouraging nationalistic sentiment among the students.他们鼓励学生培养民族主义情感。We encourage students to multiply and divide without using a calculator.我们鼓励学生不用计算器来做乘除运算。Students are encouraged to read the text, getting the gist, then go deeper into the meaning.鼓励学生要通读课文,找出主旨,然后再深入发掘其内涵。Japan's education ministry ordered the change to encourage students to tear themselves away from textbooks.日本文部省下令实行这项改革,以鼓励学生从课本中走出来。Students should be encouraged to discuss critically the information they are given.应该鼓励学生对获得的信息进行批判性的讨论。The subjects on the curriculum encourage intellectual enquiry.课程的科目安排鼓励学生进行知识探求。Encourage students to take an active part in discussions.鼓励学生积极参与讨论。The project looks at how we could be more effective in encouraging students to enter teacher training.该项目着眼于我们如何能够更加有效地鼓励学生参与教师培训。He encourages parental involvement in the running of school.鼓励学生家长参与学校的管理。We encourage student participation in our classes.我们鼓励学生在课堂上积极参与。School should encourage the full development of a student's talents.学校应该鼓励学生全面发展自己的才能。She was always looking for ways to encourage her students.她总是想办法鼓励学生Students should be encouraged to use the Internet as a resource.应该鼓励学生们把因特网作为一种资源来使用。Teachers should encourage reflection on the part of their students.教师应该鼓励学生进行反思。He believes that students should be encouraged to experiment with bold ideas.他认为应该鼓励学生们将大胆的观念付诸试验。The program encourages students to pursue a career in science.这个计划鼓励学生从事科学事业。He encourages his pupils to think for themselves.鼓励学生独立思考。She encourages her students to free their imaginations.鼓励学生们大胆想象。Language games are usually intended to encourage student interaction.语言游戏通常用来鼓励学生间的交流。There was a culture of success at the school. 这所学校有一种鼓励学生成功的文化氛围。We encourage students to develop their own ideas.我们鼓励学生形成自己的观点。She encourages her students to open their minds and try to see things from new perspectives.鼓励学生开放思想,努力从新的视角看待问题。




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