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词汇 黝黑
例句 He had a tough tanned face and clear eyes.他粗犷的脸庞晒得黝黑,双眸明亮有神。He had a broad swarthy face.他有一张黝黑的大脸。His blonde hair offset a deep tan.满头的金发衬托出他一身黝黑的皮肤。He had dark brown hair, dark skin, and dark eyes.他长着深棕色头发,黝黑的皮肤,一对黑色的眼睛。The scarlet silk blouse set off her dusky skin.鲜红色丝绸衬衫衬托出她黝黑的肤色。None of them had their father's dark colouring.几个孩子没有一个继承了父亲黝黑的肤色。He had a tanned rugged face.他有一张黝黑而粗犷的脸。Heavy gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks.沉甸甸的金耳环在她黝黑的面颊的衬托下熠熠发光。I don't want to be really really brown, just have a nice light golden colour.我不想晒得黝黑,只想晒成一种漂亮的淡金色。Fishermen with sunburned faces sat on the beach mending their nets.脸被晒得黝黑的渔民们坐在沙滩上修补渔网。He looked tanned and well rested after his vacation.度假之后,他皮肤晒得黝黑,精神焕发。The white dress showed off her dark skin beautifully.白色的裙子把她黝黑的皮肤衬托得很漂亮。His blue eyes glittered in his deeply tanned face.他那双蓝眼睛在黝黑的脸上闪闪发亮。Sunbathing browned him.日光浴使他皮肤变得黝黑He had a good body, tanned and well-muscled.他体形很好,皮肤晒得黝黑,肌肉发达。A group of suntanned children were frolicking on the beach.一群晒得黝黑的孩子在海滩上嬉戏。His face was very brown.他的脸部黝黑I tend to go for tall dark men.我比较喜欢黝黑的高个子男人。She has pale/dark/fair skin.她肤色苍白/黝黑/白哲。He laughed, his teeth bright against his dark skin.他笑了,黝黑的皮肤反衬出洁白的牙齿。She was naturally tanned with black hair.她全身晒得黝黑自然,一头黑发。He was burnt brown with Tibetan sun.西藏的太阳把他晒得黝黑




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