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词汇 风化
例句 Time and elements deteriorated the monument.时间和风霜雨雪使纪念碑风化剥蚀。A hillside began eroding away from beneath a private road.一面山坡从一条私家道路以下开始风化The rocks have been worn down by weathering.岩石被风化侵蚀了。The paint shows good weather resistance.这种涂料表现出良好的耐风化性。A substantial part of this site had been eroded away.该遗址的主要部分都风化了。Some of the stone has weathered badly.这块石头的某些部分已经严重风化了。Solid rock is broken down by weathering.坚硬的岩石因风化而分解。The rock has weathered away into soil.岩石已风化成为沙土。The rocks were eaten away by erosion.岩石被逐渐风化The cliff was gradually eroded by the forces of nature.峭壁在自然力的作用下逐渐风化In the course of centuries, the wind has worn the rocks away.几世纪以来岩石都风化了。Centuries of erosion by wind have carved grooves in the rocks.经过几个世纪的风化,岩石上出现了一道道沟痕。The wood on the porch has weathered over the years.门廊的木头已年久风化The rocks have eroded away over time.随着时间的流逝,岩石慢慢风化了。The rocks have gradually eroded away.这些岩石已经逐渐风化了。Landscapers planted grass to stop the erosion of the hillside.景观设计师植草皮防止山坡风化




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