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词汇 鸟巢
例句 The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.这些洞作鸟巢足够大。The bird's nest is located high above ground.鸟巢筑在远离地面的高处。The actual nest is a work of art.真实的鸟巢十分精致。She moved the nest very carefully to prevent disturbance to the birds.她十分小心地移动鸟巢,以免惊扰了鸟。The birds' nests are high up, safe from predators.鸟巢筑得很高,以安全地避开捕食者。Birds' nests are extraordinary creations.鸟巢是非凡的艺术品。The nest is vulnerable to the sudden whims of the weather.这个鸟巢经受不起突然的天气变化。The male uses song to attract a female to his nest site.雄鸟用歌声吸引雌鸟到它的鸟巢附近。If the nest is disturbed, the bird may desert it.如果鸟巢受到干扰,鸟儿就可能将其舍弃。The birds use small leaves for lining their nests.鸟儿将一些小叶子铺在鸟巢里。The birds are busy establishing territories and building nests.鸟儿们正忙着确立领地,筑造鸟巢Fewer young fledged from southerly oriented nests than from those oriented north.从向南的鸟巢出窝的幼鸟要少于从向北的鸟巢出窝的幼鸟。One bird remains at the nest while its mate hunts for food.一只鸟留在鸟巢时,它的配偶外出觅食。The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.这些洞很大,足够作鸟巢用。The nest should be left undisturbed. 不要去动这个鸟巢Look! There is a roost in this tree.看!这棵树上有个鸟巢While the eggs are hatching the mother bird stays close to the nest.蛋在孵化的时候,雌鸟守在鸟巢的旁边。Inspecting the nest can be difficult and may require some ingenuity.探查鸟巢会是一件困难的事,需要一些奇招妙计。Inspecting the nest may require some ingenuity.探查鸟巢是需要些技巧的。If you find a bird's nest, never disturb the eggs.如果你发现鸟巢,千万别动那些鸟蛋。You should avoid disturbing the nest until after the eggs are hatched.卵孵出之前,你不应该惊扰鸟巢A cuckoo is able to lay in a range of different nests.杜鹃能在许多个不同的鸟巢里下蛋。It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone.最好能克制住好奇心,不要去碰鸟巢




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