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词汇 鱼类
例句 Gills are the organ through which fish breathe.鳃是鱼类用来呼吸的器官。US Fish and Wildlife delisted the wolf as an endangered species.美国鱼类和野生生物管理局将这种狼从濒危物种名单中除去了。Flatheads are a common type of fish and good to eat.鲬鱼是一种常见的鱼类,味道很好。Many strange plants and fish live on the sea bed.海底生活着许多奇异的植物和鱼类They have a large collection of fishes.他们收集了大量的各种鱼类Birds, fish, and reptiles are all vertebrates.鸟类、鱼类和爬行动物都是脊椎动物。Peter Forey is curator of fossil fishes at the Natural History Museum.彼得·福雷是自然历史博物馆鱼类化石展厅的负责人。The use of pesticides is killing off birds and fish.杀虫剂的使用将使鸟类和鱼类灭绝。The nuke was directly responsible for the death of the fish in the river.那座核发电站对河里鱼类的死亡负有直接责任。Because of pollution, this lake is now too acid to support fish.因为受到污染,这座湖现在酸性太高,鱼类无法生存。Only sketchy information exists on the stock of natural resources such as fish.人们对鱼类等自然资源的总储备量所知甚少。Some unusual fish have rudimentary legs.有些罕见的鱼类长有未发育完全的腿。Several Asian fish have become naturalized in these lakes.一些亚洲鱼类已经适应了这些湖域的环境。It may be possible to create varieties of fish that have resistance to common diseases.培育出对一般疾病具有抵抗力的鱼类也许是可能的。They actually monitor the movement of the fish going up river.他们实际上在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。Fins are a feature specific to fish.鱼鳍是鱼类特有的特征。The company supplies fish to local shops and restaurants.该公司向当地商铺和餐馆供应鱼类These chemicals are lethal to fish.这些化学品对鱼类是致命的。Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.有毒废物可能危及生命,毒死鱼类Most fish have a gas bladder they use to adjust their buoyancy.鱼类大多有鳔,用来调整身体浮力。Whales belong among the mammals, not fish. 鲸应属于哺乳类动物,而非鱼类Fishes can usually regenerate torn pieces of their fins.鱼类通常能生长新鳍以取代被撕裂部分的鳍。The river is populated mainly by smaller species of fish.这条河里大部分是小型鱼类Similar species of fish occur in Mongolia.相似的鱼类物种在蒙古出现。Fish is high in unsaturated fatty acids.鱼类富含不饱和脂肪酸。Water is the natural medium in which fish live.水是鱼类赖以生存的自然环境。Both shad and salmon are anadromous fish.鲱和鲑都是溯河产卵鱼类Since the beginning of history, salt has been the only means of preserving meat, fish and vegetables.有史以来,盐一直是保存肉类、鱼类及蔬菜的唯一方法。Even a minor fluctuation in the water temperature can affect the fish.水温即使有微小的波动也会对鱼类产生影响。It is prized for foiling oily fish, fatty meats and dairy-rich desserts.其因给油性鱼类、多脂肉类和含乳量高的甜点做锡箔而备受青睐。Pollutants in the river pose a real risk to the fish.河里的污染物对鱼类造成很大危险。The algae feeds the fish, which in turn become food for larger sea animals.鱼类以藻类为食,又成为更大的海洋动物的食物。Oily fish are traditionally eaten with sharp or salty foods that act as a foil to their fattiness.油性鱼类一般配以辛辣或咸的食物以解其油腻。Barbs are small fish.鲃属鱼是小型鱼类Any disturbance of the sea bed would be disastrous for the fish.任何对海底的扰动都会对鱼类产生灾难性的后果。Overfishing threatens the survival of certain fish species.过度捕捞对某些鱼类的生存构成了威胁。The local fish and wildlife population may be lost forever.当地的鱼类和野生动植物种群可能会永远消失。They monitor the movement of the fish going up river.他们在监测鱼类迁往上游的活动。The stonefish is the most deadly of all fishes.石鱼是所有鱼类中最致命的。Ocean fish live in a medium of salt water.海洋鱼类生活在咸水环境中。




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